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what did he say???

It's the meme that high school freshman use when someone says something fucked up/

Me: What's 12 x 3

My Friend: 41

Me: What did he say???

by itsWhip February 9, 2021

Little Did He Know...

a phrase many literary masters have been confused about. According to Dustin Hoffman (in stranger than fiction) many many essays have been written on the initiation of the term, which is unknown obviously

Little did He Know..., He was the catalyst of bravery and courage to prove a case in point. Being detained without probable cause and put into an asylum is a type of performance art initiated by a single self esteem booster. The count of monte crisco, i mean cristo. i do not have the historian perspective on such an idea, however, i do have a fair amount of life-time experience, as everyone else. Besides, you are unique just like everyone else. Collective conciousness is a real ideological standpoint IN reality. Media moves itself. Minarchism at it's finest form of anarchy. Inspired by SLC punk.

by Jenezza, Wendel Darringer February 18, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Did he say die or pie?

your a complete idiot that doesnโ€™t even know what is going on

Wane- Did he say die or pie?

by Zmicclouds August 13, 2021

Did he drop any good loot?

"Did he drop any good loot?" is a infamous one-liner reply to a obituary on the World of Warcraft forums. The name of the person who replied was the one and only moroldonfarm that was a level 1 priest from the Chromaggus realm. Shortly after this reply he gave out; blizzard deleted the thread and banned moroldonfarm's account. It did not take long until people leaked images of the thread and the reply to show proof that it was real. The reply of Moroldonfarm remains a Legacy to this day to many WoW players.

The Obituary:

Nano: i'm Nano's brother, as you know i've been playing with his account for some time now on Sona. i'm writing here to inform everyone who may care that nano passed away, we held his funeral on tuesday. the only reason im writing this here is that whenever i told him how people after months still wrought about how good nano was and some wrote how he was the best hunter etc. That statement always made him smile and i think its fair you all should know about whats happened so you may, even if you didnt have the pleasure of meeting him in game say a little prayer for him. He was a good soul and i know many of you who met him in game would agree. i want to thank you from his behalf for giving him many months of true pleasure in wow. thank you.

Reply from moroldonfarm:

Moroldonfarm: did he drop any good loot?

by Anti-bser-missile October 16, 2008

335๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

HOWE did he make stitches so fast???

He used his newly-invented sewing machine (duh!).

In a historic mid-1800's sewing-speed contest, Elias Howe was able to sew 250 stitches per minute on his mechanical wonder, as opposed to a mere thirty stitches that a group of professional seamstresses were able to make in that same allotment of time. I imagine that said fleet-fingered ladies exchanged astonished gawking stares and asked each other, "HOWE did he make stitches so fast???"

by QuacksO April 5, 2019

The the the HE DID

A phrase used by closeted homoerotic men to signal to each other that they are gay. The phrase is designed to be able to pass off as a bad stutter but is also designed in such a manner so that it is not accidentally said.

Man 1: "The the the HE DID"
Man 2: "Why don't we go back to my place?"

by KappaPride HE DID January 19, 2021

He has the ability to do what he did

Which is what!? Buy his way into a company... Destroy it's net worth completely and lose a bunch of money... And then abdicate responsibility entirely by appointing some random chick to take over the position he literally bought... You mean THAT? Is THAT what you meant when you said that? Because...

Jrdn Ptrsn "He has the ability to do what he did."

Hym "Um... Yeah man... Like.... Huh... I don't have a response to this sentence... Like... Wha... I... I mean, you said he went in there and fired everyone and like... The only thing he did was replatform you and then he threw it in the dumpster... So, you're grateful to Elon for paying 45 billion dollars and then losing like 70% of that value... For you personally to tweet... I mean, you know I do the opposite of that right? Like, I generate a bunch of money by doing an extra good job and he loses a bunch of money by doing an extra bad job... I don't see how he's the brilliant one here.... Genuinely, like... Oh! Right, like, your message is like the society saving snake oil... He does know a lot about planes though. I'll give him that. But seriously, you are the dick-ridingest old man on the planet."

by Hym Iam September 29, 2023