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A southerner is a term usually used to describe people who live in the southern united states. Just because you live there doesn't neccesarily mean you are racist or raised with strong moral values. I was born in Toronto and moved to Kentucky a few years ago. I believe it's a nice place to live and only a few people are actually <racist>. Just because you live in the south doesn't mean you drink beer all the time (baptists are STRONGLY against it) or hang a confederite flag. I have friends who went to UK and ended up going to Princeton,Cambridge,and Harvard. I'm tired of people judging me on where I live or where I'm from. Would you judge a Nigerian and call them a uneducated slave because they lived in Nigeria? I don't think so..

Northerner-Do you know how to read?
Southerner-I got an english scolarship from Yale
Notherner-Right on
Southerner-where did you go for university?
Northerner-Oh, I'm taking a break from school right now.
Southerner-But your 45!

by can't we just get along? September 25, 2006

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In my opinion, the south is a nice place to live. I actually do have an education, I don't practice incest, I don't have an 'atrocious' accent, in fact none of my words sound at all like they have any accent to them at all (I know, this is amazing, as I'm a stupid southerner right?), I'm not prejudiced, and I'm not retarded as most would like to say I am. I do disregard most of the prejudiced comments made by northerners. I don't even say y'all. I mean, if you want to talk about people that are described by the examples I have just mentioned, call them rednecks. There is a difference between these two classes of people. Rednecks do have an atrocious accent and are sometimes prejudiced (not always). If you're going to put comments such as have been posted before about southerners, re-title them "redneck" "white trash" or something else. I know that most of the northerners call us stupid and generalize all of us into one group. That is just not the case. I'm sorry, it really isn't. You all call us prejudiced, yet look at your own comments. I'm tolerant of all races. I even have friends from New York who I constantly have to hear putting down the south. But I tolerate it, and I move on. Wow, aren't I such a southerner, what with my horrible grammar and lack of an education. I also don't think the south will rise again. I prefer our nation united, as there are good contributions from every part of the country. At least I'm not insulting northerners. ;

Northerner: I'm going to post something on the internet about southerners! This will be completely based on opinion and backed up by absolutely no facts at all!

Southerner: Hmm, this description of southerners is definitely a bit misled.

by A displeased southerner July 27, 2008

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people that don't like homosexuals

Did you hear about those southerners that killed the homosexual?

by RCPK May 18, 2008

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An individual who lives in the southern United States. Nasal-voiced northerners insist that all southerners are inbred, ignorant hicks, but in truth it's the northerners (see Yankees) who are the ignorant ones.

A true southerner is moralistic, kind, practices southern hospitality, has an actual sense of humor, and sees more to life than rushing around in a city all day. Come on people, sit back and drink some lemonade or something.

Northerner: Whoa, since when do all southerns not live in trailer parks?
Southerner: Since forever.

by SCgirl September 4, 2005

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Humans seem to have a desire to categorize EVERYTHING. We all do it. Southerner became an easy way to gerneralize people who had a different culture. For those of us who had never been south of Illinois and East of Kansas ;it was a broad generalization. Referring to people who had hot summers, talked with a drawl,the highest hospitality rating,liked grits,sweet tea and a realxed, God loving life.

A good friend of mine was from Georgia and called herself a Southerner and was proud of it. She said a Southerner comes from God's country. I am a transplant will I ever be a Southerner?

by Tigger Sanders January 26, 2008

57๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


a term referring to about 50-60 million people who live in the Southeast. Many of these people are generally good, and the majority of them also have a strong sense of morals and traditional family values, which is very important. However, about a quarter or so of them, usually referred to as rednecks or white trash, are not good people. They only make up less than 20 million of them though, and there are also rednecks in The North, too, so its not just The South.

Southerners (the people who live in the states below Kentucky and Missouri) are usually more hospitable and moral than a lot of people in the Northeast or on the West Coast.

by The Midwestrn Soldier July 8, 2005

138๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž


Contrary to popular belief, southerners are not ignorant, drunken hicks that live in trailer parks and eat possum as shown by Dukes of Hazzard and Kevin Federline. Most southerners are well educated and have a strong sense of moral value. And no, not all of us talk like Forrest Gump. Southerners are perhaps the most badass variety of Americans there are and in short, we basically own everything.

Northerner: Haha man that southerner sure is a redneck.

Southerner: Yeah why don't you go practice falling down; I'll be there in a minute.

by mkiff450 August 13, 2006

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