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awkward silence turtle

One of many useful hand gestures to use when stuck in an awkward situation. Made by placing one hand on top of the other and wiggling your thumbs as though they are flippers.

The dead awkward silence turtle is also fun, made with your palms facing up, and is a much more amusing silence breaker.

Mandy: "Hey how was saturday night?"

Tim: "I had sex with a transexual"
Mandy:*awkward silence turtle*

Tim:"Turns out it was your brother."
Mandy: *dead awkward silence turtle"

by Karakas August 15, 2009

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Awkward silence mode

When in a relationship. Both parties don't talk to each other anymore because they are not interested in each other or when they start talking but the confersation ends after five or ten minutes.

Person one: 'Kate and Steve used to talk to each other for hours and now they just don't. They sit next to each other and do nothing'

Person two: 'They are in awkward silence mode. So sad.'

by MaYa4 March 11, 2010

5👍 1👎

awkward silence turtle

A turtle that you make with your hands by putting one on top of the other (palms down) and your thumbs are its arms. You use it when there is an awkward silence.

"You're a retard."
*awkward silence turtle*

by chocolategrape March 4, 2008

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Awkward e-Silence

The electronic counterpart of the awkward silence. Commonly spotted in chatrooms. First mentioned at 2010-05-04 by mistral at VirtualTeen Forums chatroom.

Guy 1: Hahahaha, cool joke.
Guy 2: Yea. My grandma taught me that one.

by pseudomoney April 6, 2010

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awkward cyber silence

when someone kills a conversation on facebook or an online chat room with a comment or reply that u dont know how to reply to

dude remember last night when i fucked that slut?

that was my girlfriend

oh... awkward cyber silence

by inky binky donkey May 19, 2010

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awkward facebook silence

The moment immediately after befriending someone on facebook that you don't really feel like talking to.

"Jenny 'Peaches' Smith" has accepted your friend request. - 1 minute ago

*awkward facebook silence*

by TheBald January 28, 2011

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Awkward Silence

an awesome bop by the even more awesome bois stray kids ! a chilly ubeat song that makes you feel like "wow! i for sure felt that !" thank you living legend christopher bang

me: have you ever heard Awkward Silence?
susan: wdym? i was in plenty ones haha, there was one time when-
me: no you don't get it susan. you never do

by bug01 September 2, 2018