Paul Santasari
OMG, Paul has such a burning bush
3π 44π
A sexual phenomena in which the friction between the pubic regions of partners during intercourse causes the pubic hair to spontaneously light on fire, resulting in a noxious odor and a burning hot sexual experience
My torrid love affair with Enrique resulted in a trip to the hospital after his fervent thrusting caused me to have a burning baum bush.
21π 3π
Like beard burn, but received from going down on a chick. Caused by pubes stabbing your (wet) face repeatedly.
Q. Is that a rash?
A. No, massive bush burn from eating my girl out all night.
20π 7π
a bush burn is when someone with excessively long pubic hairs has sex with someone way too fast an hard, and the friction causes heat and severe discomfort. severe cases can lead to a forest fire
"why the fuck you walkin like that brotha? you think you own the place or somthin?"
"nah man, i got fuckin sick bush burn from that french chick last night"
8π 4π
What will you do after you get home from Jesseβs house?
Ionno, prolly burn the bush with my wife, then pass out on the couch after destroying the weeks leftovers.
The name given when urinating onto a bush, preferably when you are dehydrated and your urine is yellow, creating a visual metaphor of the Biblical passage.
Moses: 'Wow look! Johnny's creating The Burning Bush'
James: 'Wow, how cool'
Either he engaged in DIRECT DIALOGUE with the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE... OR... HE DID NOT DO THAT. Maybe he had and appiphony and he considered THAT God. Maybe the bush had psychedelic properties and he got high and THOUGHT he spoke to the creator of the universe.
Hym "So, What happened when Moses spoke to the burning bush? Probably nothing. Burning bushes don't speak. The revelation he came up woth was in no way profound... Because they had JUST LEFT A CIVILIZATION... Where the laws were likely identical to the 10 commandments. And a better question than that would be 'If I went back in time and stood next to Moses... WOULD I SEE AND HEAR GOD WITH HIM?' Do you think... That a guy... SPOKE TO FUCKING GOD, JORDAN? And that God... SPOKE BACK TO THAT GUY IN DIRECT DIALOGUE? Is that a thing that YOU FUCKING THINK ACTIVELY AND ACTUALLY, JORDAN? Jesus fucking christ, it's like trying to get a special needs kid to admit to swallowing a lego! Did you eat that? DID YOU EAT THE LEGO?"
Hym "That isn't a response to the words I said Jordan! Did you eat the fucking- Spit it out! Spit out the Lego Jordan!"