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A drunk person

I was at the club yesterday and a drunkie started hitting on me

by yehetmarmalade November 9, 2019

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Drunky Gaga

1. A term for when Lady Gaga is drunk, looks drunk, or acts like a drunkard. It is not a derogatory term. In fact, it is used by little monsters to tease Gaga. It originated on Tumblr.

2. A meme that derived from the definition above.

Person 1: Hey! Look at this picture of Lady Gaga at a party. She looks so drunk.
Person 2: Wow. Drunky Gaga sure likes to party!
Drunky Gaga is taking over the world.

by drunky-gaga June 27, 2011

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Drunky Pants

The pervibial "pants" one wears when becoming a bit too intoxicated. However, drunky pants can also lead to wearing naked pants, then walk-of-shame pants.

"Dude, I'm SOOOOO drunky pants right now!"

by NayFace May 5, 2010

Call of Drunky

Call of drunky is a drinking game involving Call of Duty 4. It is played best with a mixed drink, but beer works as well. The rules are simple. For every 3 deaths one gets, a drink must be taken. If a UAV (3 kill streak) is achieved, one must drink. For an airstrike (5 kill streak) two drinks must be had. For a helicopter (7 kill streak) three drinks must be had. If one is lucky enough to get a 10 kill streak, everything left in the cup should be chugged. Also, if one is killed by, or kills with, a headshot, noob tube, claymore, C4, RPG, knife, grenade, direct impact, or a team kill, a drink is required. It is best played with six people who are all also playing this game. It is designed so that no matter if you are doing good or bad, you will get fucked up.

Agh, I'm so fucked up from Call of Drunky! That Airstrike and Helicopter really put me over the edge man.

by Thurkagord March 1, 2009

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facebook drunkie

the term you call a person who somehow in their drunken stooper logs into their facebook account and emails, comments or messages their facebook crush (you) frequently. The message usually contains many mispelled words, inappropriate sexual slurs, and their true feelings about you. This person most likely will try to contact you in the next 24 hours to apologize with a lame excuse. Please do not answer the call.. seriously ignore it.

rachel: oh my god.. i logged onto my facebook account this morning and had recieved a message from john. it said "i louves yourdss tittzyss. callsa mess backksz babaayyu<x3."

brooke: ewwww.. ignore that.. he is a total facebook drunkie. he messaged me last week.

by braovahaaaaa September 19, 2009

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drunky drunkerton

Fez Watley on his birthday.
(Local radio host in Washington DC)

Ron: "Hello Mr. Drunky Drunkerton!"

by Sim Girl April 5, 2004

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drunky snacking

The act of gorging oneself on nutritionally deficient foodstuffs while in an intoxicated state. An ideal accompaniment to a brannigan and usually enacted by some pirate bobbing or by going to one of the ever present foodstalls along the route to ones house. Bonus points are awarded if the drunky snacking is done on the metre of a taxi one is later going to pull a runbun on.

Charlie Brown: Hey did you do any drunky snacking last night Rubble D?
Rubble D: Dag yo, I finished like 50 pounds of dirty underwear, still feeling the fibres in my teeth yo.
Charlie B: Thats wack
Rubble D: Wiggety Wack
Charlie B: No just regular type...

by The Snackmaster October 18, 2006

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