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The female equivalent of an Incel. A woman who is completely unappealing in a long term relationship. She may be able to acquire dick, but nothing meaningful. Often completely used up and incapable of forming romantic connections.

Nasir was an Incel and Nour was a Femcel, a pitiful matchup where both parties settle.

by Colin's Penis November 20, 2021

96πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž


A Femcel would rather blame men for their lack of relationships and deserted sex life rather than realizing the cause of this is their lackluster self-loathing personality, they have no self awareness and cant fathom the idea of a male liking them for more than looks, when in reality this is the reason people stay away from them.

Tiffany Tran is a Femcel, she wont stop talking about how men are trash and how she cannot get laid.

by DrBANGalore July 13, 2021

142πŸ‘ 204πŸ‘Ž


Female + incel. A female who is involuntarily celebrate. Typically because she has a repulsive personality or is physically unattractive. Many femcels are at risk of falling into the clutches of radical feminism or becoming a obsessively involved in a celebrity tumblr or twitter fandom.

I wouldn't touch that femcel with a seven inch pole.

by BadReligion42 June 21, 2018

714πŸ‘ 1298πŸ‘Ž


A self-proclaimed β€œfeminist” who isn’t really a feminist, and just hates men.

Avoid women who make feminism their entire personality. They’re just femcels about 95% of the time

by FuckleberryFinn June 22, 2021

180πŸ‘ 298πŸ‘Ž


a femcell is a blatently sexist woman who tries (and fails miserably) at destroying the lives of men and tries to make everybody around her feel like shit this woman is often a feminazi who only bases her ideology on her -156 iq points and tries to be as sexist and inequal as possible while bitching about inequality that women face and fucks over feminism as a whole while empowering other femcells

Becky drinks male tears while bitching about Amberheard not winning the trial. Often people love referring to her as a femcell

by feminazi combater June 5, 2022

28πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


Femcels differ greatly in definition from Incels and can encompass many things. Whereas Incels complain about being financially used by women who ghost them immediately afterwards, Femcels are basic women with extraordinary expectations, shitty standards, and a penchant for curving "nice-guys" and dating fuckboys. After fuckboys use these said women for sex, these Femcels become feminazis who throw en masse pity parties on Social Media along the lines of: "guys aren't shit!", "there are no more good men!" and "where have all the good men gone?!" Femcels can also be ugly, or out of shape females who exclaim that men are trash for not wanting to date them.

After ghosting Timothy who took her out on multiple lavish dates and exclaimed his proclamation of love, Ashley decided to date Chad who used her for sex and ghosted her in like manner. Now Ashley is a femcel who roams the outskirts of Twitter exclaiming: "all guys are trash!" and "there are no more good men in this world!"

Madison is 23 years old, 325 lbs, and a "body positivity" model on Instagram. Despite her self-proclaimed modeling career, she is better known to others as the overweight female who posts statuses about how guys "aren't shit" for not wanting to date her.

by B._Tertz September 30, 2019

300πŸ‘ 632πŸ‘Ž


a term incels use against others when they get offended :(

πŸ€β€œNo I will not respect pronouns- people are in the army get over it”
🧚🏼 β™‚οΈβ€œThat’s unkind, please don’t do that”
πŸ€β€œYou’re such a femcel”

by hellolgbtcommunity September 3, 2020

67πŸ‘ 137πŸ‘Ž