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A modern slur for Filipino disguised as an abbreviation of some sort. Similar to jap and indo in context.

A contemporary replacement to flip.

A trendy term ignorant people in Twitter to identify themselves with.

fellow filo oomfs loook the representation. i'm crying omg

by Kalinaw January 19, 2022

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A Filipino / Filipina person. A slang or term from the Philippines that is used to call Filipinos.

Kind, positive, and gentle people who loves their country.

Every filo person should have hope for their country.

by ahopefulcitizen May 17, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


has a big dilgaling and nice name

what is up big daddy filo

by sdfvgbnmkjhgfdsdfgh April 27, 2018

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A short term for Phillipino. These people think that they are better than everyone else coz they are part asian part latin. They talk alotta shit but when theres a fight or something, they're the first to run away.

Filo guy: "I'm a gangster"
(2 lebs come up)
Viet guy: "you better back me up dis time"
(Filo guy runs away)
(Viet guy skitz it n takes on both lebs)

by kbs August 18, 2006

20πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


Drugs or Alcohol
usually used as a safe way to indicate illigal substances, usually marijuana.

The act of bringing drugs or acohol into the body. i.e. smoking or drinking.

Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

can also be spelled pheelo or any other way as long as it is audibly said correctly.

"Dude we need to pick up some filo"
"Dude, hide the filo"

"I think I'm gonna filo a bit before I go to bed"

"Dude are you filo?"
"Dude I am sooo filo right now"

by Rasta-Mon March 30, 2004

9πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


A fat asian who, when he smiles, closes his eyes and has dimples.

Before you even consider of thinking that definition was racist let me just tell you that I am asian.

by RP December 31, 2005

16πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž


The slang term "Filo" is generally used by philippinos that think they are really cool and better than everyone else just because they are Asian. A few years ago at my school there was this filo girl and she bullied me and make me breakdown and my self esteem was very low. Some filos are nice

A little about me:
waddup yo!
da èaìes Paulina!
-aka- Pauline,Lene,Paulin to tha A,Lina gurl,P'..
mah day|| June the pitto. btw HI KUYA PITTO!
BestPren ko Ian -aka- Yann, E to tha Yann,Yanny boi,E'..
we BeSTPReNZ Fo LiFe

My favourite things:
going to school dats rite t.mike& ol u ni**ers, SCHOOL lol jk
-talkin 2 me sis Mamille aka tummy,camille,cami,camz,ate camille,te mill,mc chicken mill..
-going to mamilles.. on -Mamille Day- aka Fridays..
ΓͺΒ³Γ±ΓͺΒ³Γ¨ Β³Γ² wid da fiLo ΓͺΓΏΓ₯w-
a shout 2 mamillle te c8& a.charm luv u mah sistahs peace out A town,tito mike! kuya kyel,kuya p2,kuya pher,reg,E 2tha yann,ken,kit u guys roit?chelle,kat,jamz,jen
ol p2k gaze pilipinos
my FPS mayts miss ya'l

by Hannah April 17, 2005

17πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž