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Gender Ideology

A straw-man of a transgender narrative used by TERFs and conservatives that supposedly requires you to fit gender stereotypes of one's gender identity. In reality, a person doesn't have to fit specific stereotypes to be any gender, whether cis, trans or non-binary.

It serves to dehumanize transgender people through reducing them to the dangerous "ideology" that must be eradicated, serving the cause of trans genocide.

-Alice: I know of a person who is non-binary.
-Bob: How they are like?
-Alice: They dress androgynous, use they/them pronouns... they're deep in gender ideology.
-Bob: That's a straw-man argument, to be non-binary you don't need to be androgynous.

by Exdetransitioner2 September 3, 2023

15πŸ‘ 6153πŸ‘Ž

Ideological Bigot

Someone who attempts to "expose" an entertainer on live TV, and fails. Like Criss Angel on NBC Phenomenon when he insulted Paranormalist Jim Callahan, Jim replied "I find you an Ideological Bigot."

"Criss Angel is such an Ideological Bigot."
"I find you an Ideological Bigot."

by J ackalope January 22, 2008

83πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž

Gender Ideology

An umbrella term for many β€œbeliefs” regarding gender, the main one being that sex and gender are two separate concepts that don’t always align. The term is typically only used pejoratively by those who are critical of trans people/issues and is thought of as a cult by some of the more reactionary types.

Radfem Roxy does not support trans people as she thinks their identity is a manifestation of gender ideology which she considers misogynistic and dangerous.

by thisvexesme August 2, 2023

17πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Ideological Ritalin

A term describing the American Psychological Association's claim that 'traditional male masculinity' is toxic and therefore harmful to men and boys.

That's not science, thats just ideological Ritalin you crazy feminist!

by IAIN_D January 14, 2019

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Gender Ideology

The ideology which holds, contrary to all existing biological, medical and psychological science, that there are "only two genders", that "sex and gender are synonymous".
This ideology was created by transphobic and transmiscic people who believe that transgender persons are delusional, that transgender persons can be turned into cisgender persons through conversion therapy, that conversion therapy is not quackery unsupported by medical evidence, that conversion therapy is not torture. Many gender ideologues also believe that there is a secret "transgender conspiracy" among greedy physicians and mentally ill teachers acting as "groomers", "grooming" cisgender children with a goal of "transing" them.

Proponents of gender ideology believe, as Dr. John Money did, that it is possible to groom cisgender children into becoming transgender. This is a belief not supported by science.

by Arcadia Berger September 6, 2023

3πŸ‘ 18127πŸ‘Ž

Liberal Ideology

A hypocritical system of double standard principals and values, which forms the basis of tax and spend economics and bogus political theories and policies.

My Liberal Ideology allows me to believe in letting criminals out of jail and let Illegal Aliens in, kill unborn children but save people on death row, call out and protest against hate crimes, but only if it happens to one race.

In addition, Everything I don't believe in should be banned or considered racist and everything I do believe in should be required for everyone, made into law and paid for by others.

If I don't get my way, my liberal ideology allows me to act like a 5 year old child in Walmart who is told that he can't have the toy in his hand.

by Damage_Inc December 18, 2020

5πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Gender ideology

A belief that argues that the differences between men and women, keeping anatomical differences apart, are a cultural construction made according to the roles and stereotypes that society assigns to each gender.

-Person 1: They keep saying that they feel like a male because they love soccer.
-Person 2: They must believe in gender ideology, then.

by Free Thought of Mind June 6, 2021

19πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž