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An east germanic peoples with at least two branches. Two such branches, the Ostrogoths and the Visigoths, played an important part in the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the emergence of Medieval Europe. The Goths dominated a ver large area after capitulating Rome, which at its peak under the Germanic king Ermanaric and his sub-king Athanaric may have made their empires across two seas, the Baltic and the Black.

Those damn goth tribes are in my capital!

by Poor Person May 1, 2018


1. Someone who wears dark clothes and listens to a certain music type

2.Glaswegian slang for someone unliked

1.”Look at the way he’s dressed and who he’s listening to he must be a goth

2.”Fuck up ya pure goth

by Hurbwi March 10, 2019

Goth Goth Goth

A game of Epic proportions.
You stand around in a circle with everyone who is playing. Anyone can then make the call of "Goth" on anyone else. For example person 1 can point at person 5 and call "Goth" The "Goth" then has to run for his/her dear life while everyone else then has to chase after the "Goth" whilst shouting "Goth Goth Goth.. etc" abusing them untill deemed they have been thoroughly beaten. After this has happened. The group, regroups and takes a breather waits for previously chosen goth to stop crying and then game resumes.
Goth is not allowed to be called on the same person twice in a row but is allowed to be called on them again after 1 other person has been the goth
Fair play is deemed important to this game, otherwise you could lose friends
Play with real goths for added thrills and excitement

example 1: person 1: "lets play goth goth goth!" person 2: "yeah that game is awesome!" person 3:"GOTH GOTH GOTH GOTH! *points at person 1*"

example 2: "I played goth goth goth once but i wasn't epic enough so when i was the goth I got beat and then i cried"

by Skippy333 August 28, 2009

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Where do I start!
The Fake Goth or GOFF- an offshoot of the Punk or metal scene that varies little apart from going towards such group as Marylin mansion NIN, etc wearing large amounts of black and rebelling cos it looks cool (Ironic eh?)

the Gothic scene- I can only speak for the british scene personally but it seems to have come out of the post-punk movement in the late 70's early 80's going toward darker and heavier tones and feelings, e.g. Sisters of mercy, Siouxsie and the banshees, etc,

A Goth- a person who often has a twisted or cynical view on life, and sees the world as a dark, hopeless and i might say, morbid place, and revels in it, they are often interested in the arts particularly dating back to the 18/19th centuries and take a lot of their stle from that period (often for posh occaisons) but are still in touch with the modern day, stereotyped(is that a word) by black clothing, silver jewelry and makeup (both Genders) but the appearance does not matter when it comes to goths, it is their view on life and what they feel inside, that style of clothing is simply a common occurance


Goff: *to real goth* you fucking weirdo! I reject you you conformist, I reject you normal people!

Goth: *smirks, then sighs slightly and walks off*

by Tau July 28, 2004

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the personality
people who express their souls in a dark way. real goths don't cut themselves (some do, but it's not a goth trait... there are preppy cutters too.) real goths could be atheistic, christian, jewish, wiccan, agnostic, whatever... goths don't worship satan. goth music could range from classics like Evanescence and Linkin Park to Wicked and Rent or even Enya... i like to think of myself as the founder of the "broadway goth," goths that are theatrical and artistic. real goths are open to friendships with everyone and never exclude someone because they're not "goth" enough. goths also tend to have fire in their souls and dislike conforming to other people's set rules. this sometimes impacts their grades, which gives way to the rumors that goths are stupid and stubborn.
the style
hot topic is really a punk store, but it has goth things as well. however, you can get goth stuff lots more places... personally, my shopping consists mainly of thrift stores (i trade old clothes in for store credit), old navy (really simple things like, idk, swim suits, plain black tee shirts, zip up sweatshirts) and hot topic for odd items. a lot of goths don't wear solid black all the time because they have unique style and wear what they want. also, handmade clothing is very goth.
rixa's advice to beginners
my advice to beginning goths everywhere is this- don't feel pressured into doing things because you're afraid not to be goth. you don't have to wear black lipstick and eyeshadow if you don't want to! you don't have to listen to screaming metal if you don't want to! if mom has issues with chains and multiple piercings, you don't have to! opt for a victorian look (think vampires and red roses) or maybe something cute and sweet (like cute graphic tees and converse). goth is what you make it. not what other people say. and never listen to people when they say you're a poser, because unless you follow what everyone else thinks is goth, you're not.
there is also such a thing as gothic literature... a famous gothic writer is edgar allen poe. lemony snicket is not a gothic author. alice in wonderland is a gothic type book because the story is kind of dark humor and just a little strange.
my personal favorites
striped leggings and plaid skirt together
lace fingerless gloves (i made mine)
corset top (got mine at forever 21, started modifying a black tank top last night)
black boots (mine are dress boots and i've had them for nearly 4 years)
fun jewelry (my favorite piece is two random old fashioned keys i found that i put on a chain)
good old fashioned deformed cargo pants
low cut converse

my favorite goth musician is amy lee of evanescence.

by rixa January 3, 2007

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In reference to the subculture;
A term that has been thrown around so much these days, who knows what it actually means. I know that, it seems to be defined by the music you listen to... which I think, personally, is ridiculous. Even some of the the open minded people who say they are goth assume that all fans of slipknot and manson are posers, and think that they're badass because they listen to that music. Well, here's a newsflash- goths can wear tons of different styles of clothes and listen to different styles of music. Just because someone listens to Slipknot or Marilyn Manson (can't defend linkin park, though...) doesn't mean they are poser. There are a lot of types of goths, and suggesting music defines the person is just stupid and close-minded. So, instead of listening to all these people saying "goths are depressed, suicidal satanists (which, btw, isnt the evil religion people make it out to be o.O)" ALONG with "all people who like slipknot and manson are posers who think theyre goths and are just trying to be 'cool'", why don't you listen to me and the other people with brains out there who know that "goth" doesn't rely on music or religion or anything like that.
(shortened version: a subculture that ISN'T just about wearing black nail polish and listening to certain music and its hard to define it, because theyre all so different.)

Goths are not all alike, and music doesn't make the goth.

by vaela March 8, 2005

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A kick ass Germanic tribe that pooned the Romans, also and extremly broad term used to desribe a spectrum ranging from free thinkers to losers/posers to the color black and its comrades. It's also a really a dumb label often used by people to validate themselves or others. Also an excuse to harm one's self.

I mean no harm to all those legit free thinkers and such. You guys are cool and i like you. But poser people should have the bejesus(or whatever diety you may believe in) smacked out of them.

oh and an achitecture style

Dude the Romans got pooned by those Visigoths!

That kid is so goth.

I want to be different so i act like everyone else in the "goth" subculture.

"I wish the old school goths could come to the future and poon those newer "goth" poser lamo bitches lol" Kent

by Ross Pancake aka XttM aka Kent aka Stangg June 8, 2005

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