The opposite of a "To-Do List", and isn't literally a list, but just an expression. Normally used when a friend/collleague/person says something that you should do/get and don't agree with. First appeared on the G4 TV Show "Code Monkeys".
Friend: "Hey, you should get that thing for that."
You: "I'm going to put that on my "To-Don't List"."
An email you receive at 10PM from a co-worker that just went on vacation that contains a list of items he failed to fix over the last month.
Jesus, I just got Mike's List and now I have to head to Blomkin to fix a PC that's been down for 3 weeks.
A playlist of specific songs individually selected for foreplay before having intercourse.
Hey man, her panties dropped when she heard my foreplay list.
The phenomenon that occurs when you become so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of items on your "to do" list that you can't function and nothing gets done.
"I have SO much on my 'to do' list that I have list paralysis! I don't know what item I should work on first."
A list of people to kill on sight. Used in competitive games when you're bored and just wanna kill some dudes who got clowned on by you, your friends, or some other random who gave you the list a while back.
Damn, I tried to kill that guy and now I'm on 5 people's KoS Lists...
An ordinary list containing extraordinary people who have either wronged you, undercut you, back stabbed you, blamed you to the point that you reward them by allowing them hononary induction onto your cunt list.
This guy at work keeps a mental list of all the people that have pissed him off. He calls it his cunt list.
the short list of people with whom you would feel comfortable talking on the phone while you are dropping a deuce
My girlfriend has asked me to remove her from my captain's list.