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The Homophobe Paradox

The homophobe paradox is something where if somebody says "being homophobic is gay" then they would be homophobic but then they would be gay so it wouldn't be possible

The uneducated twat said: being homophobic is gay

The smartarse said: haha that is the homophobe paradox

by CEO of ant molestation October 13, 2020

Kylie Paradox

the kylie paradox originated from a group chat, but initially has an undetermined start date. it is characterized by thinking faster than your fingers during text, causing a jumble of words rarely understood by others. (often made fun of)

person one: look at these coins i earned!

person two: What for that do?
(combination of “what’s that for” and “what does that do?”)
person one: uh oh, that’s a kylie paradox.

by rraptor222 September 17, 2022

Paradoxical Filth

The point in which a person become so filthy that the build up of dirt on their hair and body absorbs their grease, making them appear cleaner than before despite being more dirty.

"Hey, did Roadkill take a shower or something? His hair looks really clean."
"No, it's just paradoxical filth from rolling around in the dirt."

by The Emo Japanese Girl December 28, 2018

abundance paradox

In layman's terms, abundance paradox means quality and quantity are NEVER, EVER go hand in hand

Look at the Top 4 global populations (Chingcong/China, Bobs Vegana Land/India, AmeriKKKunt/USA, and Indon/Indog/Indonesia) and compare that with Hentai Land/Japan or Nazi Land/EU which have free falling population numbers to see what abundance paradox is

by Sir. B August 27, 2021

The Maxvita Paradox

The Maxvita paradox occurs when an individual, while playing the game CS:GO, uses machine pistols and other inexpensive and high fire-rate SMGs as high valuable AR, whereas when playing with guns such as the AK-47 or the M4A4, the person tries to "spray and pray" while rushing at the enemy. Players acting like that can be named "Maxvita" after the patient zero himself, Maxvita

"That bot is just rushing and spraying with an AK, what an idiot"

"That has to be The Maxvita Paradox"

by Emkii June 13, 2023

Harambe's Paradox

Alt: Harabe's Pair-a-cocks
The notion that any action a woman takes in which seems kind towards a male will be mistaken for interest when its not. Usually resulting in sarcasm or disdain from the female.

Friend 1: Man she was so nice to me.
Friend 2: Watch out for Harambe's Paradox.
Friend 1: Nah man I think she likes me.
Friend 2: You a dumb ass.

by Zilvarael February 26, 2017

Wikipedia Paradox

1. An article on wikipedia talking about wikipedia and how it is not a reliable source for fact checking.

2. When a site disses itself for falsehoods and trolls

1. "Do not use wikipedia as a source of information for wikipedia"
2. Did you hear that Wikipedia outed itself as unreliable?
Well I like to call it the Wikipedia Paradox

by catchingfire3 January 25, 2020