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American Curl

A regent twist on a classic pet

Person A: What’s an American curl?
Person B: A regular cat but with cool ears

by meevin December 20, 2021

hot curl

When someone has diarrhea and shits on someone's face.

Dude this girl shit on this guy's face. That's a hot curl man

by CherryNectar February 4, 2016

Curl sexual

The attracting for curly hair.
Can be a man can be a woman also can be a non binary.
If you like curly your curl sexual. FACTS!

I love your curly hair!!
Btw im curl sexual...

by Cabbage_master might be curius October 2, 2022

Six inch barbell curl


Man... I'm so bored that even doing the six inch barbell curl doesn't excite me

by sterlingcooperdraperprice November 11, 2009

Coconut Curling

"Coconut curling" is a local hillbilly name for the common game Crokinoke.t The term Coconut Curling refers to the cookies the word Crokinole originated from. The word was originally "croquignole", which soon actually became a reference to French doughnut like pastries. Eventually, later on, when coconut became more available, croquignole referred to french coconut biscuits. This term is used by few people, mainly decedent's of those in the 1860s who played Crokinole in Dordogne, France. This is an informal, technically incorrect, widley unrecongnized term.

"I played Coconut Curling last Tuesday with Phil and Dave"

by Phillis McCain March 16, 2019

shit curl

1.A pompous looking hairdo which resembles a swirley pile of soft-serve poo.
2.A bicep curl which utilizes a log of shit.

"Look at that rockabilly dufus's shit curl doo"
"Yo bro, I did 106 shit curls today in the gym's bathroom!"

by Shit Curl February 18, 2014

Jheri curl-mandering

A redistricting strategy made famous during the period in the late 1980's, when the Democratic Party moved geographic boundaries of an electoral district in California to include predominantly black-populated areas(South Central Los Angeles, Inglewood, Compton) in an effort to concentrate African American voters sporting the popular greasy hairstyle of the day, thus using 'packing' tactics to insure a constituency that would elect congressional representatives who also sported the couch-ruining do. The term for this strategy remained unnamed for nearly 30 years until comedian Adam Carolla coined it on his podcast, “The Adam Carolla Show”(Episode aired November 3, 2015.).

Congresswoman Maxine Waters may believe the science is still out on the morning after pill but she's definitely a student of the science of Jheri curl-mandering. Tracking sales of Soul Glo in order to target the perfect constituency was a flash of genius on the Democratic Party's part.

by griffin_t_a October 20, 2016