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Clock Block

Some schools have a time policy for professors which allows students to leave if the instructor does not arrive after a given amount of time. Clock Blocking is when a professor arrives just before this time expires.

It was 11:14 and we were so close to having class cancelled when Dr. Jones walked in and totaly clock blocked us.

by DJ Walt April 23, 2009

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Clocking Out

When one of the Bois decides to go home early to chill with his girl friend.

Nate:"all right I'm going home early today Bois. "
John:"Nate's clocking out on the bois"

by Alpha_Ranga August 9, 2020

Beerological Clock

When it is getting late in the day and you havent had a chance to ingest any beer into your system.

Holy shit we better finish this job soon, its already past 5:00 and my beerological clock is ticking.

by flyingglass March 13, 2011

clock and cock

Inspired by the show Big Little Lies, "Clock and Cock" is the act of punching a woman square in the jaw, inevitably turning her on then immediately following up with an aggressive pounding.

Example 1:

Friend: Damn, Kate was being a real bitch tonight, I can't believe you let her talk to you like that!
Me: Don't worry when we get home tonight she'll get a good old clock and cock

Friend: That sounds great! Wish my girl wanted the cock after the clock!

Example 2:
Janice forgot to put ice in my drink so she learned from a clock and cock, now my drinks are always refreshingly cold!

by Black Cocksmith June 17, 2017


An individual who possesses certain attributes that reveal their true gender. Usually used in the lgbtq community to distinguish a biological woman, versus a transgender woman. β€œClock Monster” is a derogatory term.

Vanessa is such a clock monster: you see that hard ass jawline and them big feet? Even though she has a wig on, you can definitely tell that’s a man.

by mkckjclub January 29, 2023

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beer clock

The level of beer in the last pitcher or glass, that determines when it's time to leave the bar or restaurant. i.e., when it's empty it's time to go -- and not before. (Obviously the beer clock can be reset by ordering another pitcher/glass.)

Child: Dad when are we going to go?
Dad: When the beer clock says so (pointing at the pitcher that isn't empty)!

by mmcg1 August 31, 2015

clock kink

a kink where someone gets horny by looking at clocks

She is obsessed with miss minutes! I think she has a clock kink!

by minutezdef May 17, 2021