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boner leniency

whenever a woman comes to work wearing boner inducing clothing (see: bonerwear), boner leniency is granted to prevent a sexual harassment suit when the offending man is spotted with a boner.

Of course i was offended by his boner, but i deserved it because of my bonerwear... and he deserved some boner leniency.

by mcbaki87 February 9, 2011

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boner juice

Male enhancement in juice form. It consists of green beans and rooster ejaculate. Originally referenced on Saturday Night Live.

I start off every day by guzzling 32 oz. of boner juice.

by Trevorisclever April 22, 2016

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Boner alarm

when a guy wakes you up in the morning by pushing his boner against your back

girl 1: *yawns*
girl 2: why you so tired??!
girl 1: ah, john woke me up at 6am today with a boner alarm

by hg520 September 28, 2019

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Baby boner

You wake up you think you got the real thing but you got a trouser full of baby boner which couldnt even touch the sides on a bag of dicks

"Hey mate I got a baby boner"

"can it touch the sides on a bag of dicks?"


by Joby-one July 18, 2019

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boner puke

A notion in which a male's genital is fully aroused and ready for excreation. Your "boner" "puke" is this white, sticky substance that generally will be skeeted onto preferably a face or towel or into something. It is possible to recieve boner puke or to make yours or someone elses boner puke.

Cum'on guys! You can do it, make your boner puke. Work hard and leave it all on the floor!

by Alec "SWAN" Trierweiler November 14, 2007

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brain boner

A strong liking towards a member of the same gender, in a non-sexual manner. A closely bonded friendship. Similar to a "bromance."

Ted: "Hey where has Phil been lately? Ah, probably shackin' up with some lass."
Josh: "I really don't know and it's kinda bumming me out. We used to do everything together. It's kinda like Cheech without Chong."
Ted: "Heh sounds like you've got a total brain boner for him!"

by chungamunga April 18, 2009

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Donkey Boner

Someone who has sex with a donkey

or someone who u think is a complete donkeys dick

God damn ur a donkey boner

by HAHA yo mama April 9, 2008

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