A former member of isis also known to be a part of the -18 boys locker room where they disscuss about how to undress children like guppy from i carly
"im going to disscuss something with "gibby from i carly" real quick"
its rap monster from bts #loveyourself basically means someone is being hot or something either hot or ... its a secret i cant tell anyone.. but dear JAYKAY.. #ilovelittlejungkooksomuch
"oh my god i think she's turning into its rap monster from bts"
A phrase used by stupid 7-year old tiktokkers who are annoying af
Me: listens to music
7-year old: tHaT sOng CaME frOm tIktOk
Me: shut up your dad left you
Another way to describe a friend
me and my bro from a different walmart played minecraft last night
Pro Supermoto guy, he rides different vehicles.
Mirror comes from a country called Norway, that is why he is called Mirror From Norway
Having pity sex with a girl who is over 5’ tall but under 5’6” while her boyfriend is out of town after she told you a long story about how he beats her. Usually performed with waaaayyy too much lube and no where near enough effort from either side. These are typically followed by finding out that she is full of shit and that her boyfriend is actually the nicest guy in the world, volunteers at three different organizations, and works overtime to pay all the bills while his useless bitch stays home and gives him a Gawk Gawk 5000 once every 4 weeks.
Any fun this weekend.
Man, I had a Becky from Behind.
Is a master of knowledge and explains how liking women is gay and how to become a Giga chad and alpha male and explains how the ultimate pronouns are he/robot/not gay/giga CHAD/ur mum/ur dad/Alpha Male/HIV/AIDS/her