when a person watches so much porn that every reference they make, or metaphor, or outward joke invariably is far too sexually graphic and innappropriate regarding genitals specifically in any given environment. therefore, surrounding people take note of that person's porn problem via their porn mouth symtoms. Excessive porn mouth can indicate an incel.
ex. you get a new cat, friends come to meet, that one person who says over and over, 'i love your pussy', like 15 times thinking its still funny. porn mouth=porn all day all the time.
Droopy Mouth Syndrome aka (DMS) is a condition that affects individuals when they're in the presence of a woman who embodies the ' 3B's' (Beauty, Brains and Body). Her presence causes somatical impairement which causes pangs, penury, tretfullness and fidgety jitters. Curmudgeons who pitch for the beef industry are significantly affected. Physiotherapy and Psychotherapy are the only treatments that can help repair damage, reduce stiffness and pain, increase mobility and improve their qual;ity of life and help the person change and overcome their morbid jealousy.
The symptoms of Droopy Mouth Syndrome:
-Drooping of one side of the face
-Numbness & tinglimng
-Pain & discomfort
-Muscle twitching, cramps & twitching
-Popping sound of jaw when attempting to close the mouth
-unusual facial expression
-Blank stare
-Decreased appetite
-Difficulty standing, abnormal gait
-Constipation, distended stomach
-Anxiety, confusion & excessive sweating
Jiro: "WTF is wrong with Sullen, she looks she's had a bitter pill?"
MC: "IDK, she's been like that as soon Hailey walked in"
Jiro: "Oh, look, it's not just her, look at the other women over there, they look like stunned mullets as well"
MC: "Shit, that fishy smell must be coming from their end"
When you smile with your mouth open
Eww why dose she teacup mouth in her photos
When a stoner won't stop complaining about having cotton mouth after smoking.
"Man shut the fuck up about your cotton mouth"
"But it's like someone shoved cotton balls in my mouth"
"Don't be such a Cotton mouthed Carl"
two people being disgustingly gross and kissing/eating each other's faces in public; fucking with their mouths
Ew, look at Billy and Jessica mouth molesting each other in the hall.
After you make mustard you lick the mustard out of their asshole
Man I got mustard mouth last night while I was druck
A Trojan that poops in your mouth.
Today i'm gonna install Mouth Pooper Trojan becuase it's heathy for my and my PC!