When one folds their testicles into a woman's vagina, often while saying, "I'm sorry, baby, I ruined everything, baby". Credit to Henry Zebrowski of The Last Podcast on the Left
Oh man, I had such bad whiskey dick last night that I ended up putting the Louie Anderson in her kiddie pool.
boot ass bitches living in their moms basement that hack computers by using copy and paste
When you fill a truck bed full of piss.
George took a dip in his Kentucky kiddie pool last week
Can't hang with the drinking professionals. Passes out like a little kid. Big Da Da drinks kids under the table
Don't be a kiddy buzzer pussy... Drink up or go to bed. Do you need Big Dad to tuck you in?
When a New South Wales state of origin coach takes a group of professional football players and the heart, soul and any form of pride in the jumper out of them
Here comes the Kiddy Fittler stealing all heart out of the footy team
"Kiddie Meth" is a nickname for Ritalin or Concerata crushed or opened, then snorted, injected, or smoked, the chemical structures ressemblence to meth gives it a similar high.
Lego Yoda: Hmmmmm, Addicted to ritalin i am, snort it, i must.
John: Silly lego yoda, thats kiddie meth you be takin