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What you have if you're able to move, breathe, have consciousness, etc. It's about a total of 100 years filled with challenges, before you die. Most die before 100 though, but very few can survive longer (see Centenarian). It is a tough time when you can have so many challenges thrown at you. Failure to complete the below challenges might be caused by a neurological disorder, some other disease, disorder, or syndrome, or premature death. I'm guessing death is some sort of bonus with a prize afterwards (like heaven or afterlife, if you die in old age). If you're dead prematurely (like with suicide or another incident), you might just be reincarnated. I hope hell and eternal oblivion aren't real.

Succeeding at life 101
By age 2 , success is: Being able to walk and talk without help
By age 4, success is: Not having to wear diapers
By age 8, success is: Having friends
By age 12, success is: Contacting friends on your cell phone
By age 16, success is: Having a partner (girl/boyfriend)
By age 17, success is: Having a driver's license, having a job, and having your own money
By age 18, success is: Controlling your life, making own decisions
By age 19, success is: Living independently
By age 20, success is: Being able to have sex (can be reached before age 18 though)
By age 25, success is: Being involved in a career
By age 30, success is: Being married and having kids
By age 50, success is: Still being married and having kids
By age 52, success is: Still being involved in a career
By age 53, success is: Still being able to have sex
By age 60, success is: Still living independently
By age 63, success is: Still controlling your life, making own decisions
By age 65, success is: Still having a driver's license, having a job, and having your own money
By age 70, success is: Still having a partner
By age 74, success is: Still contacting friends on your cell phone
By age 75, success is: Still having friends
By age 80, success is: Still not being dead yet
By age 88, success is: Still not having to wear diapers
By age 92, success is: Still being able to walk and talk without help
By age 100, success is: STILL not being dead yet

by Steve820 April 24, 2016

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Life's too painful to describe. Sorry folks :(

You live... You die... THE END.
That's Life

by Stephan J. August 18, 2014

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Life is the experience or state of being alive, it also can go by the name of evak.
Evak or life has its ups and downs but if you took it slowly, minute for minute, then it might work out just the best for you.

My life has no meaning without SKAM

My evak keeps on getting better day by day

Evak is beautiful

by kaisoolovechild December 17, 2016

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Joe: "Yo bob, how's life?"
Bob: "..."
Joe: "how's bacon?"
Bob: "Oh, life's great man. it's all about bacon!"

by Uzer July 5, 2011

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Something that is not fair.

Deal with it.

by dj gs68 October 23, 2003

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in life

A way to reinforce the importance of a statement.

I'm so high man, in life.

by kaina December 15, 2004

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a temporary state. some make the most of it, some barely get through it, some do pretty good etc.. it's considered a gift from God, and in my opinion it is.

i think life has a deeper meaning however. check this, an eternity of life would be found in heaven and an eternity of death would be found in hell. so there must be another meaning apart from just having a pulse, lol or maintaining homeostasis.. cause umm.. plants don't have pulses.

according to the bible, life is a tree and death is a tree. however, the fruits of both are completely different.

'And out of the ground the LORD God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.'
Genesis 2:9
'And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die."'
Genesis 2:16

i think this occurs in our human life. we plant seeds all the time, and trees grow with all different fruit(results.. like planting a seed of not studying for tests will grow a tree of failure.) it's like we all have a our own garden, and some people have a big apple tree that they let everyone close to them eat from. this person is a tree of life.

read the bible, even if u don't believe in God. it's a great book to read, and apply to your life.

by deenie July 5, 2004

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