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Biggy cheese

I cool mouse that loves cheese and dancing and singing about loving little boys

Quandale: “mom, can we have Biggy cheese?”
Mom: no, we have Biggy cheese at home.”

by Biggleton Coochiesmith June 29, 2022


To generate an otherworldly level of watts.

I thought John was going to snap his chain in half when he went Biggy-Big to claim that KOM

by bikemanmikeman May 30, 2022

Biggie Girl

Mayzie’s large BELLY

Mayzie is a Biggie Girl

by NikNak12346 December 30, 2022

Dirty Biggy CHEESE

When you are having sex and keep quoting biggy CHEESE or has 6587 tattoos of said man

Dude chelsey pulled a Dirty Biggy CHEESE last night

by Dirty Biggy CHEESE puller April 18, 2020

Biggie bitch

A fat ass hoe that meat rides angi like girl bffr with ur big ass taking up half of the whole hallways teachers can't even get pass

A: Have u seen biggie bitch?
B:yess I couldn't even get to my classroom door bruh

A: Frr!

by Dueu8e November 21, 2023

biggie biggie sucking tiddies

a insult used towards simps when simping above a normal level of simping

youre a bbsd(biggie biggie sucking tiddies) cuz u gave that girl your whole ass fucking house and car and children

by DefinitionmasterBot2000 June 28, 2022

iggy biggy boo zagger

an iggy biggy boo zagger is not only an iggy migit or a biggy best get along kid but a ghostly boo that likes to zine away and use technology in his or her spare time.

my iggy biggy boo zagger crush will love this computer for Christmas! it's got the high definition she needs to make video games.

by aromabinger November 25, 2024