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Jesus, im really happy to see everyone saying cheerleading is a sport, because, as a cheerleader of 5 years...it is.

but to everyone who says its not, join a COMPETITIVE squad. then come and talk to me.

I'm freaking out cause my freakin cheerleading try-outs are in 3 days..100 girls...10 spots..shit!!

by thomasin March 18, 2005

89๐Ÿ‘ 189๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cheerleader is an athlete.

A) They cheer in formation at football, wrestling, basketball, soccer, and baseball usually. These require many practices, usually early in the morning (before school), planning and supporting events, creative choreographing, a fit body (for tossing, catching, flying, tumbling, jumping, dancing, precise arm motions).

B) They perform a time consuming routine at competition(s). This requires a lot of extra time and money. Cheerleaders must not only make an original cheer, but also must have extensive stunts, a dance, and music.

Cheerleaders may be seen together often at school, but that is because they only have time outside of school working on cheerleading. Cheerleaders are not just "snobs". It isn't really known why cheerleaders get classified as "snobs", but it is possible that people are intimidated by a cheerleader's confidence. Many of the girls may have a boyfriend, which is because guys like girls who are happy and comfortable with themselves. Where does the label "slut" come from? If you don't have a thick head, you'd know cheerleaders aren't the only group that has its sluts. Cheerleaders must have a high GPA, and if it were slipping, it would only be because he/she is spending so much time practicing.

Cheerleaders' purpose is to connect the crowd with the game. The only problem with cheerleading is a crowd that is too lazy and selfish to encourage their team. (HEY YOU! Yell with your fellow cheerleaders! They are there to help YOU!)

Cheerleaders Do Not (usually):
- Chew bubble-gum, have blonde ponytails, blue eyes, and $daddy$.
- Whore themselves (this is because cheerleaders are encouraged to be role-models)
- Wear sluttish clothes. (Cheerleaders must wear skirts so often, why would she want to wear something like that when she's not cheering?)
- Include those who are chubby. (Cheerleaders need to be in good physical shape to do all the things required of them, and if they can do everything, then they can join.)
- Make fun of Goths, hicks, nerds, stoners, etc. (Just because a girl is a cheerleader, it does not mean she can't be a band nerd at the same time.)
- Put up with stupid people. (EX: people who make fun of cheerleaders, people who make stupid comments based on their own stupidity.
- Say, "Whooohooooo!" or scream.

Stop hatin'
Start lovin'



*throws a hotdog*

Cheerleaders: S-H-O-V-E, shove it,
(clap clap) up your ass,
You, Will, LOVE IT!...

Dumb person: Hey dude, did that guy just pick up that chick and look at her ass?

Dumb person 2: Yeah dude, let's try-out so we can try to get some pussy!

by asiancheergirl December 26, 2005

46๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž


one who must be athletically able to tumble (gymnastics) at full speed with no fear, jump and lift other cheerleaders up in the air. Competition cheerleading is a SPORT! cheerleading is not LEGALLY allowed to be a high school sport, because if it were, we wouldn't be able to compete in nationals seeing that no other highschool sport is allowed to do so. Other HS sports can only compete regionally or within the STATE. Cheerleaders are NOT dumb blonde bimbos. You have girls like that on ANY SPORTS TEAM including soccer, basketball,feild hockey,softball, whatever you name it. Sure there are girls that are like that that are cheerleaders. But "cheerleader" is not a synonym for "dumb slut". We are intelligent, we are competitive and we are NOT "easy". Cheerleaders these days are attempting to disprove these stupid stereotypes by showing the world how tough this sport is. By the way, to all you "boys" out there pretending to be men and say that we cheerleaders are whores... when was the last time you threw a girl 20 feet in the air, watched her kick and spin and catch her without hitting the ground. That's right, im sure you havent....much less even touched a girl. Get it right, cheerleaders are ATHLETES! not your booty calls

People lift weights, but cheerleaders lift people.

In any other sport, if you miss the catch, all you drop is the ball.

by cheergirl December 9, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


We have all heard the opinion that cheerleading is not a sport. The fact that we don't tackle our opponents to the ground for a ball does NOT mean that we are not athletes. We work just as hard as "real athletes" work. Our practices are just as intense and our competitions are even more intense then a basketball or football game. Our sport, unlike most, is not a selfish one. Part of being on a cheerleading squad is appreciating and cheering on our fellow athletes. The same athletes that insult OUR sport. What is it that qualifies an activity to be a sport? Is it the ball? No, wrestling is a sport and it doesn't contain a ball. Is it the sweat? Can't be the sweat, cheerleaders sweat just as much (but we hide it well!) Is it the practice? Nope, our practices are more intense than many other sports' practices. The audience? No, can't be that either, audiences at competitions out number those at many ball games! So WHAT is it?! Cheerleading takes just as much dedication and skill as any other sport, sometimes it takes more. The problem is that other athletes have no idea what it takes to be a cheerleader. We make it look so easy. We fly through the air with grace, we catch our teammates as though they are feathers floating from the sky. They don't understand the technique and time it takes to master such skills. To us, cheerleading is not a game, like football or basketball, cheerleading is a way of LIFE. Cheerleading, more than any other sort, teaches important skills such as cooperating. Let's face it, if a cheerleading squad can't cooperate, stunts can't hit and people get hurt. Other sports ENCOURAGE team cooperation, and they may lose a game if they fail to cooperate;. but overall, no one gets hurt. What does a "sport" have that we don't? We practice, compete, have rules, go through training, sweat, fall, get hurt, and dedicate our lives to cheerleading...there is NO REASON why cheerleading should not be considered a sport.

cheerleader: cheerleading is a sport
non cheerleader: ha definitely not!
cheerleader: lets see you try it.

by shmicolie March 8, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


The sport for girls with tiny tits to make up for it by being flexible

Damn, those cheerleaders are so lame.

by haha i'm funny January 20, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


a sport that involves hard work and never gets enough credit. people think that it is not a sport but fits the defination from websters dictionary of a sport perfectly. in any other sport if you drop somethingits no big deal. but wat happens in cheerleading??? the person dropped could be extremely hurt. so ppl on here who trash cheerleaders, get a life!!!!!!!!!!!! only some cheerleders fit those freakin sterotypes. i hope u r now informed.

basket toss cheerleading stunt full down cheerleading stunt bow n arrow cheerleading stunt

by mikki_96 February 27, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


a strenuous sport that consists of tumbling, sharp motions, dance, stunting, actual cheers, and spirit. most people don't consider cheerleading a sport, but I think that competitive cheerleading IS a sport. If its only sideline cheering, like for games, then it shouldnt be considered a sport. people who snub cheerleaders and say we're just whores that dance around and yell "GO ____________!!" are WRONG. its not fair how everybody stereotypes cheerleaders just because of movies or shows. competitive cheerleading IS a sport.

other atheletes lift weights, but in cheerleading, you lift athletes.

by baguette October 9, 2006

79๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž