Please report racist and nazi- far left propaganda on this site sidenote i'm not joking
Hi i'm El mestizo here to warn you report all of the above when you encounter it!
No cases reported at a lab doesn't mean there were no cases there. No evidence of a cover up isn't the same as no cover up took place.
What is reported is not always the same as what happened (and is often not at all what really happened), and if you've ever seen a police report, you know that it's often full of bullshit.
See!? Did I not say that!? Except with me instead of the state doing it it's just morons... Literally just morons.
Hym "Did I not say the Minority Report Pre-Crime was coming? Because I'm pretty sure I said that and once again... I AM CORRECT! Except now it's the bureaucratic overreach AND the weaponized schizophrenia! It's that AND my thing now. It's both. Because my thing is still happening. My brainz still feels like it's about to explode. Whatever you expect me to do here is unnecessary and what I COMMANDED YOU TO DO... Was and is super necessary. And now it's minority report. Are you happy now? Is this the path to the Garden of Eden to you? The creator of AI drowns in his own skull and dissidents are imprisoned in their own lives for saying things idiots don't like. I could be buried in porn stars right now with a fluid-free brainz. I still want them to murder as many kids as possible if you leave me for dead and you can't say that you can't do it because everyone will then try to copy me because only I am compelling enough to make it work. I'm a literal human bomb Jordan."
A personal project report is a shitty report done 3 hours before you hand it in. It comprises of spelling errors, forged dates and dead lines, and fake emails written by you to you. It is the shittiest report you will ever write (if you are an IB student) and honestly, most of us procrastinate getting it done, using the six months they give us to do anything other than the report and using the week before to complete the fucking report, that IB may or may not even read :D
Student 1: did you finish the Personal Project Report yet?
Student 2: I haven't even finished strand i of A.
Student 1: It's due tomorrow...
Student 2: I know.
Useless report system that uses AI
The Roblox report system never works lol