Source Code

Health Report

Studies say you need to up your intake of vitamin Me

Please just believe this health report

by Professional Scientists November 28, 2023

LCPS weather report

a stupid thing in LCPS,every morning there will be one and giving some useless information.

good morning,welcome to LCPS weather report,we will be checking on the weather today......

by MTR GUY September 28, 2023

The Beast Report

An aggregation of the top news websites and newspapers, covering topics such as world, U.S., local, politics, business, entertainment, sports, etc. They add polls related to current headlines for fun and allow open comments.

Which world nut is going after us today? North Korea according to The Beast Report.

by Christopher Diangelo April 13, 2009

The Factual Report

Jayse loves talula more

The factual report is that I love you more

by Table manors November 12, 2023

Consumo Reports

A published-for-da-general-public-BY-da-general-public periodical dat details and compares how skilled-'n'-successful da contemporary athletes in da wrestling world are.

My girlfriend and I love to engage in playful tussles, but it's just all in fun; nuthin' to contact Consumo Reports about!

by QuacksO November 14, 2023

The Reaper Report

Illogical/confusing/irrational internet message board posts that combine worldwide news with the writer's daily thoughts on life.

Have you read The Reaper Report from this morning? What is he talking about? It's like a bad car accident, it hurts to look, but you just can't turn away.

by MonkeyFather August 5, 2014

STD Report Card

the official medical report listing that an individual has been tested for various STDs and the results of those tests.

Bill had his STD Report Card approved by Sally before they engaged in sexual activity. Sally made sure that Bill's STD Report Card listed that he was disease free.

by 月月 March 18, 2014