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Shit 'n Blow Nasal Shock

The phenomena of aroma shock when blowing your nose post-poop while still sitting on the shitter.

I had a cold and a took nasty burrito shit. I blew my nose, and the sudden Shit 'n Blow Nasal Shock almost knocked me off the toilet.

by Everleigh1 November 20, 2016

Mississippi blow gun

Placing pez in your pee hole before you nut inside an orifice

Bend over, looks like you need a Mississippi blow gun!

by Dingis232 May 3, 2023

Blowing My Hole

That moment when nature calls, and in a split second you find yourself holding onto the bowl, praying that this "muddy mess" will be over soon. (AKA a massive, normally watery, dookie)

Big bad Blake: can little jimmy come out to play?

Jimmy's mom: jimmy big bad Blake is here to play.

Jimmy: mom I ate too many hot wings and I'm blowing my hole all on the porcelain throne.

by House Nīgga January 20, 2014

blow a chunk

when u have to drop the most intense massive turd of the century.

i am a bout to blow a chunk in that bathroom

by big papa w long shl0ng August 8, 2017

Blow Darting

When a woman puts a toothpick in her mouth and blows it down the tube of a mans penis.

Man1:Are ya brave?
Man1:Have you been blow darted?
Man2:I'm brave but not THAT brave
Man1:Yout should try Blow Darting

by KinkyHornyLover69420 December 4, 2021

blow stones

Smoke crack

Billy would occasionally be blow stones.

by Pizzacock24786 May 10, 2017

jalapeno blow job

this happens when your date eats jalapenos then performs oral sex on you. the capsaicin from the peppers is absorbed by the phallic skin, and enters the urethra causing unpleasant burning sensation.

the heat from the jalapeno pepper ignited Jasmine's sexual desire to the point her mouth salivated for boner. After receiving a jalapeno blow job from Jasmine, Darryls penis burned... like California wild fire.

by MC Busta September 5, 2019