NICKI MINAJ is a Freaky Girl. Just like she said in her song called "Freaky Girl"
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a girl playing with her boyfriend's dick and pleasure
girlfriend: *rides dick like a slut*
boyfriend: Fuck you feel so good I'm so close
girlfriend: Cum inside me and fill me up *rides faster and takes all inches*
boyfriend: FUCK
girlfriend: *stops moving and just sits on it and yawns*
boyfriend: is smth wrong?? please continue I'm almost cumming
girlfriend: I'm sorry babe but I'm so tired cuz you made me cum 8 times
boyfriend: but...
girlfriend: *gets off his dick* maybe I'll finish you off tomorrow
boyfriend: but you already said that yesterday :(
girlfriend: and? Maybe you rather like it if I won't touch you at all tomorrow and just masturbate infront of you and cum hard
boyfriend: no please
girlfriend: good boy<3 never forget that thing between your legs is my property my toy and I'll play with it how much I want and how i want
boyfriend: I know
girlfriend: good night babe *kisses lips* and good night my toy *kisses his dick making it precum even more* it looks so cute precumming and throbing like that. It really looks like you wanna cum, don't you.
boyfriend: YES please
girlfriend: hmmmm nah *kisses his dick again making it throb once again* sleep well<3
boyfriend: You too you naughty thing
that's a girl's hobby
A beautiful independent woman that has your back through anything and will always be honest with you.
They are very rare and very hard to find but if you do find one keep her because their the realest females you’ll ever meet in your life.
Term created by rapper Status Boy Shawn.
“Bro this girl been nothing but loyal to me and showed love to me she gotta be a Status girl”.
Not girly- girl but not bruh girl. Like they wheres baggy clothes cuz they’re comfy but also likes girly clothes, hangs w the guys but isn’t one of the boys. Its in the middle of girly girl and bruh girl
May: yo are u a bruh girl or girly girl
Zoe: mehh girl
A girl who praises Satan nonstop.
Ben: That girl keeps praying Satan nonstop about everything.
Gregory: Well she’s a hellaback girl.
A character from mystic messenger. She tried to ruin Zen’s career. Her hair looks like barf and her dress is ugly.
"woah that girl's boobs are huge!"
"yeah, but fake like echo girl's"
Its a meme on youtube from Jan 22 2013 and say "I want a church girl that goes to church aNd ReAdS hEr bIbLe!" Or just a girl that goes to church
Dave:Hey did you see that one meme about a church girl? James:Yeah that was funny. Or, "Hey there goes a church girl".