Having the generic characteristics of most people. Featuring but not limited to selfishness, judgmental or being plain with old dumb as hell.
I’m a loner because people can be very people-ish.
A very weird YT channel that is full of cringe
have you seen that youtube channel Irish Pineapple people
A common phrase used to sarcastically refer to a small cohort of people for which one has a fondness, closeness, or endearment towards. The phrase intends to convey the smallness of the aforementioned group - the "3" is superfluous and really just there for comedic effect.
I love my cat, and maybe 3 people.
Short definition who is in Paris on Kanye West song
As I stopped for chowing down some KFC,there weren't no seats left, there were an array of basketball people out there man
basketball people are criminals who like stealing and act a victim must be back and usually have big lips fast and long legs and balds if you see one of these "people" run they will rob you
those basketball people always stealing from the corner shop its out of control
November 1st
if you don’t kiss a short person you will get Evaporated
Evaporation sounds like a fun way to go, so I’m not gonna participate in national kiss short people day