Source Code

The english language

discarded matter; refuse.
a person or people regarded as being of very low social standing.

damage or wreck.
criticize severely.

Person 1: AngΔΌu valoda ir miskaste
Person 1, but speaking english: The english language is trash
Person 2: Piekritu

by peepee expander December 7, 2020

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H language

A language that consits of speaking every word with an H replacing the first letter of each word...the exceptions are: hoothall= football, it should be hootball and woodhip=woodchip, it should be hoodchip... founded by matt and jay

Example 1:

Jay: Matt, are you getting barbeque chips?

In the H language: Hatt, hare hou hetting harbeque hips?

by jaybah May 28, 2006

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Language Nazi

1. Someone who is generally intolerant of other languages/cultures.

2. Someone who insists that all people speak the language Nazi's preferred language.

1. "Billy Bob is such a language Nazi, because he punched those two Mexican guys for speaking Spanish. Either that or he's in the Tea Party."

2. Language Nazis are quite common in the Republic of Ireland, where some people want to force students to learn the moribund language that is Irish.

by driftking18594 March 7, 2011

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Colorful Language

A polite way of saying someone drops all the fuck relatives and then some. Pastor's wife that happened to be a classsmate during the era of the original events of The Cabbie Homicide as The Chicago Tribune reported, responded to the colorful language laced retort like a vampire to holy water.

A christian blogger, "Thank you for your comment, unfortunately I need to edit one line because of the colorful language you used in the statement."
Me, "Shit do you realize that your own Old Testament has the line "Drink your own piss and eat your own dung?"
The Blogger: *Blush*
Me: "time to stop using the fucking pseudo-profanity and it's okay to say 'piss drinking bastard'"

by illinoishorrorman January 18, 2018

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Perv Language

Perv language is something that was created by someone named vicky. This language is a sacred thing that has the word perv in it. For example Pervalation, Pervalitical, Pervanation, Perva, Perving around, Pervalitious, Pervanual. And so on basically this is a language created by a girl that is very creative and special. See ya later pervssssssssssssssssssssssss

hey dude stop perving around! thats perv language.

by bad vicky May 10, 2019

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Clive Language

A form of backslang and bastardised French with 'agreements' added on to the end of words spoken in the Midlands in the 1990s.

Omelette krow e ya it zeet, un bol a commissariat et un boite de chocolat sa y a y a y - is the Clive language for homework!

Other good examples:-
Mobile Phone-Angeruf de mobiley bonjour
Toffee Crisp-Eefot it spirc but prom
Videoworld-Dlrow d'o'div it deet

by mids99 December 17, 2009

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Chinese language

The stupid subject that prevents me from being able to attend university however good my other subjects' grades are

Oh god oh fuck I got a level 3 in DSE chinese language! Yay screw the paper of death!!!

by A dying goat July 11, 2021

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