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Males who say all the right things to females make them believe this relationship means the world to them... then one day they fly away, bop out , vanish

B: what's wrong L
L: I didn't know tobi was a parrot

by SBBB01 November 13, 2017


The Parrot is a sexual act where someone wants oral sex with their partner. Person A calls to Person B, “Squawk! Polly wants a hot dog/fish sandwich!” Person B is to holler, “Arggghhh!” like a pirate and allow person A to munch on their dick/pussy. Extra points awarded if the person giving head or lips is wearing a pirate costume.

Jason did the Parrot with Julie and he vows he will never do that again because he felt violated over her going outta town munching on his ten foot dick.

by rosenovarocks March 10, 2024


A Parrot: a code word for a vibrator or dildo

My mom found my parrot!!!”
“can you get me a parrot”

by edsheeranshairbrush April 4, 2023


the action of removing ones genitals and perching them on the shoulder of a coworker or acquaintance

“Did you just parrot me”- Megan
“Maybe😏, Polly want a BJ”- Harvey

by 1@3$5^7*9) December 18, 2020


Repeating things other people say to sound smart or informed.

You can parrot with other people are saying, but if you can't talk about the details you just look stupid.

He is just parroting what his friends say and doesn't have a clue what it means.

Your mother is parroting awful italian sterotypes when she says things "it-lee". Having spent time in Italy I've never met anyone from Italy that acts like that and we know she's never visited Italy.

by parrotslayer January 27, 2017

fuzzy parrot

Schnoodle that sits on your shoulder.

I thought I got a dog. Turns out, it’s a fuzzy parrot.

by Lynz0613 August 29, 2022

Talking Parrot Phenomenon

The sudden inexplicable inability to demonstrate an action to an audience specifically summoned to view said action.

This phenomenon receives its name from the premise of a pet "talking" parrot who is suddenly silent when guests are invited to see it "talk." "I swear!," says the owner, "He says all kinds of stuff! He says 'hello', he says our names! Really! I don't know why he won't do it now...." while the guests nod and say, "Suuure, he talks. We totally believe you."


You "Every time I try to load this page I get a weird error message. I restarted and everything. Come in here and look at this."

IT Employee: "OK, show me what it's doing."

You: Repeat action that has resulted in a error 17 times in a row. Page now loads no problem. "I swear, it was giving me an error every single time before you were standing here. Talking Parrot Phenomenon, right there."

IT Employee: Gives you skeptical eye.

by Death & Taxes April 10, 2013