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Respect the drip, Karen

A tik tok reference, that refers to someone wearing a outfit of choice (normally strange outfit) and complaining about how they cannot wear it out. Therefore telling Karen to respect the drip (drip meaning outfit or style)

I can’t believe she won’t let me wear this outfit

Like respect the drip, karen

by HeylookmomImadeit August 14, 2019

698πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

respect my authoritah!

Something you say to assholes who just won't respect your authoritah.

One of Cartman's favorite expressions.

YOU: I'm not doing what you say.
ME: Respect my authoritah!

by the-jerk June 22, 2007

168πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

In what respect, Charlie?

Phrase used by Governor and Vice-President nominee Sarah Palin in an attempt to stall Charles Gibson when he asked for her opinion on the Bush doctrine in an interview originally aired on ABC's World News with Charles Gibson on September 11, 2008. It became clear when Gibson refused to elaborate on his question that Palin did not know to what he was referring. This phrase can be used when you need to admit that you don't know something that you really should know by virtue of your position or standing.

Boss: Where are the reports that we need for our client meeting this afternoon?

Lackey: In what respect, Charlie?

by bepy September 19, 2008

61πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

respect women hours

The time of day in which all men must respect at least one woman.

Time 2pm-4pm

what time is it Tayquan?
It’s respect women hours.

by Clarkshua February 2, 2018

24πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

when the drip is respectable

meme that caught on with a fairly new chips ahoy commercial

when the drip is respectable, but the chips are impeccable

by vexezx July 26, 2021

Respect my crypn

Typically means to respect someone's shit, mainly for Crips. It's similar to tell someone fuck off or hey stop it can you respect me aight?

Kid #1: "Aye bro?"

Kid #2: "Yah bro you aight?"

Kid #1: "Aw nuthin just saying hi but I'm good except for my annoying twat Mom. She be fucking with me taking all my shit!"

Kid #2: "Oh speaking of moms my Mom ain't respecting my crypn. My mom tried to take away my xbox. I told that bitch that I bought that xbox with my money then I told that bitch to respect my crypn!.........Oh yeah and I called her an igger"

Kid #2: "You mean Nigger?"

Kid #1: "No I said igger, Nigger. Respect my crypn BITCH!"

by CloutNibba January 21, 2019

50πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

women respecter

Not to be confused for the similar sounding wahmen respector.
The women respecter is a man who cannot choose between 1 simple body part of the anime waifu to idolize. But instead, he chooses to be loving to every aspect of his/her waifu, including Thicc Thighs, Anime Tiddies, AND Big Butts.

Truly a man of many cultures.

One such example may be someone whose name starts with possibly a "P" or an "S", and ends with an "N".

Ammy: So, what part of the anime waifu is your favorite?
Kat: Me? I prefer my Thicc Thighs.
Martin: Breasts all the way.
Syd: Butts for me.

Phonto: I'm not so good with favorites. I'd have to say I love all three equally.

Everyone else: Wow. What a Women Respecter.

by Amaterasu69 May 11, 2019

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