When something is super hard, or too hard.
"That math test was beef hard"
Prison term that describes an inmate that concerns themself with things that are out of their control; making their prison sentence alot harder than it is
Chris: Mike is always worried about shit that he can't control.
Alex: Yea, Mike is always "hard-timing."
when some on is on the internet talking junk only because they are not face to face with you, miles and miles away!
"Oh I'm a ni99er! O..OK you are really net hard on Halo right now"
"Why these people on Facebook so net hard, I bet they wouldn't say that to my face!"
A person who is unable to take a joke or has no humor at all
Hey kevin is being a hard ass when i told a joke
The weird yellow ring candy that just spawns in your Halloween trick or treat pillowcase that is wrapped in exclusively one piece of plastic with no nutrition label. Nobody at the function know where or how this "food" came to be, and may god only save you if you eat this atrocity to man. This shit was definitely made in a lab because how does one make something so abysmal.
Man, that makes that Abysmal Hard Candy look absolutely abysmal
An obese person with an aggressive, militant personality.
The chef is quite affable in public, but in the kitchen — he’s a real hard lard.