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French fry short of a Happy Meal

Someone who's brain is not functioning at full capacity.

She's a french fry short of a Happy Meal, cause when the Special Olympics are on, she thinks it's her birthday.

by Titan2014 July 1, 2017

Happy day of Vaginal exit

The more lewd and horny fun way to say "Happy birthday", best to be used for people who are comfortable around lewd and horny or straight up enjoy it publicly.

Person 1: Hey I heard it's your birthday today?

Person 2: Yeah!

Person 1: Well Happy day of vaginal exit, hope you have a wonderful day

Person 2: What's that?

Person 1: Just a lewd and horny way to say happy birthday!

by Zesilina Newborn May 6, 2021

happy prince song

To semi-publicly carry a torch for someone.

-- That guy's TOTALLY carrying a torch...like a Statue of Liberty.

-- Um, that's something else...and he seems to have been petrified before he could quite raise that arm. He's more like the Happy Prince.

-- So that's him who's faintly humming...the Happy Prince song.

by sukadog March 27, 2011

Happy 5

A downer drug that makes one totally loosely goosey until they inevitably end the night passed out by the sidewalk.

Rebecca: I took some happy 5 last night
Amy : omg how was it?
Rebecca: idk man, all I remember was reading a text when I woke up this morning from some rando saying “thx babe for last nite”

by Orangbutane February 16, 2018

happy fiscal new year

Wishing people a happy new year for each day of the year.

Happy fiscal new year!

by Profit and Loss April 5, 2024

happy crying

Crying from an intense earthshaking orgasm

dude my girl was happy crying after we did it last night

by shEsHErxOXo June 24, 2023

Happy Tree Friends

It's not what you think it is.

It's a show that may seem family-friendly and cute at first, but when you start to watch more, it gets very bloody and violent. If anyone thinks this is a kids show, look it up for some more further information.

Sawyer: Hey Ethan, have you heard of Happy Tree Friends?
Ethan: Oh hell yeah! That show is epic! Who is your favorite character?
Sawyer: Nutty, obviously! He's a candy addict just like me!

by iloveurbandictionary😊😍😃 December 23, 2023