Using a person to smuggle cookies from one region to another. This is common in countries that put a premium on certain types of cookies/biscuits such as the USA with McVites Digestives
Why pay $5 when I can have a cookie mule like Frank bring them back for $1
A Jar in a house of which you insert cookies into to eat later, like a storage for cookies.
a jar for cookie is a jar which containscookies
When you take a giant shit in the bathroom of a restaurant you have just eaten at.
At some restaurants, you never get them, while at others, you always do. Even when you do, you can never be 100% sure of the specific outcome.
Man, that was some intense hot pot! Alright, I'm gonna go check my fortune cookie, and then let's head to the bar.
Sexual position for females or males
Fold her in half and break her like a fortune cookie.
a girl of oriental ethnicity; (usually Chinese) but can be more than likely mistaken for a jumpoff...(mainly because of her looks)
hey, I saw this super-bad fortune cookie the other day...
An ovulating cougar with pride for female offspring in Girl Scouts overly devoted to marketing frequent sales of branded cookies inside a branded box. The cookie mom also has a very tasty and exclusive cookie.
I don’t know, go ask the cookie mom.
“J: Her cookie tastes delicious.”
When a girl with no but gives you really good pussy
Bill Clinton got a legendary cookie from Monica.