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Texas catch 5

Texas catch 5 (not to be confused with texas cash 5) is a version of russian roulette with slightly unconventional rules.
The game often involves 1 or more players who pass around a revolver loaded with 5 empty shell casings, and 1 live round. The game is played by loading the gun, the cylinder is not allowed to be cycled during the gameplay.
A participant will ready the revolver, then press the revolver to their forehead, yell "YEE HAW!" and pull the trigger.

The goal of the game is to "catch 5" empty shell casings rather than one real bullet.

The Dow is down, time to play Texas catch 5.

by Michelthegreatest January 23, 2025

5 wombo

A terminology in skateboarding which means a far ass walk to a spot

Guy 1. "Let's go to alien legde"
Guy 2. "Hell nah ! That's a 5 wombo

by Kiddblurr November 28, 2014

5 foot 8

The best possible height for a girl

Some guy: Bro I want a 5 foot 8 girl so bad

His friend: Same they’re literally perfect

by Roooooooo December 21, 2024


when your bored in school and literally type everything on the keyboard except capitals

`~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qweèéêëēėęrtyÿuûüùúūiîïíīįìoôöòóœøōõp{}\|aàáâäæãåāsßśšdfghjklł;:’”zžźżxcçćčvbnñńm,<.>/? is my favourite word

by jkhshfdcs February 7, 2024

Jackson 5

The process of consuming 5 of something, usually drug related e,g MDMA, Dexies, Adderall

"Wow Brodie just did the jackson 5. He is going to be cheesing for hours, I hope he doesn't have a heart attack!"

by woopiboyz May 21, 2024

Spack No.5

Unlike all other Spacks who currently reside in either Dorset or Hampshire UK, Spack No.5 lives in the US State of North Carolina.

He likes playing Red Dead Redemption 2, sometimes Warzone and gives death chat loud enough to set your speakers or your headset on fire.

I (Spack No.2) had also apparently gotten Urban Dictionary blocked in Spack No.5's high school, seemingly because all the students were too busy looking at UD during class!

So as you can see Spack No.4, this is Spack No.5 who is the only one situated outside of England.

by Jack Spank9049 March 13, 2023


To take control of a object by picking it up with one hand using all 5 fingers and as a result an "O" is made with both sides of your hand.

1) Adam:That toy train is going to crash into a wall.

John: Deploy the O-5-O!

2) * An adult picks up a kid's toy car.*

Kid: Hey I was playing with that!!

Adult: sorry but the O-5-O says you should stop.

by Adathorrules October 21, 2013