The extreme attraction toward Guyanese girls by Hispanic boys.
Damn that boricua has been with his Guyanese girlfriend for 6+yrs! He's got that Guyanese fever!
The act of being addicted to playing the game Fortnite in order to achieve a 1st places finish
“Hey bro I’ve been playing all day, I think I have fortnite fever”
Someone who is exclusively or primarily sexually attracted to people from the Mediterranean area of Europe (i.e. Italian, Turkish, Spanish, Greek). The combination of dark curly hair, big brown eyes, olive skin, and a well defined butt usually stimulate these people.
"I went to Sicily and came back with a serious case of Olive Fever."
A condition where a foreigner becomes overjoyed by American culture, feeling the need to adapt as best as possible. Common symptoms of American Fever include, but are not limited to, a desire for large amounts of the US currency, wanting a husband/wife that is strictly American, and an extreme thirst for a green card.
the effect of American Fever does not last long (approximately 1-2 years), and usually dies off when the affected acquire a US job. The cause of it is still unconfirmed, but many believe it to be the new sense of freedom foreigners feel when arriving in America. The symptom is more commonly found in those coming from Europe.
"His American Fever is so strong, he's had 3 burgers today!"
"Only listens to country because it's American? Yep. American Fever."
A disorder caused by picking up a scar in fortnite. Symptoms include highly increased aggression and a lack of rational thought.
I got scar fever and tried to kill a shot gunner in close combat
Giggle fever is when you have an uncontrollable laugh to the point you will begin laughing at any noise or word someone says. Many people get giggle fever when low on sleep or late at night hanging with family or friends. However it is not rare to get it during the day.
Wait stop making me laugh I have giggle fever
The feeling of throwing money all over the place
Look at all these shoes! Let me go to the ATM, I'm getting money fever