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i swear it was on sale

One of the most used lie for women when they buy something expensive that they dont need

husband: Where did you get that, thats so expensive
wife: i swear it was on sale honey!

by lolgod123 April 19, 2016

The Hatmaker garage sale

When you steal from work, or others to make a profit at the flea market.

Has anybody seen my hammer this is the third one thats gone missing in a week.

Yes, I believe two of them are at The Hatmaker garage sale!

by ToneMan08 March 23, 2017

Walking yard sale

In reference to someone who is a mess, extremely disheveled, most often refers to parents of small children.

Her kids were up all night, so she's a walking yard sale today.

by Sos4321 August 23, 2015

Garage Sale Whore

When you are haggling with a customer at your garage sale about the 50$ used car seat you are trying to sell and to close out the transaction, you offer your wife/daughter's pussy as an add-on to the deal

Justin: Nice car seat bro where did you get it
Marc: I got at for 50$ at this garage sale, at first I thought I was overpaying but then the guy threw in a Garage Sale Whore
Justin: Nice, you can't pass up a deal like that!

by hahasuka December 9, 2020

Boxing Day Sales

A big "up yours" from all the major retail outlets.

Litteraly the day after we have just spent a tonne of money on presents they slash their prices, just to show us who wears the pants.

Guy " I bought these shoes for $50 bucks today!"

Girl " WTF! I bought my bofriend those for Xmas, and they cost $175!"

Guy " Ah. You were screwed by the Boxing Day Sales"

by 112112321 December 26, 2009

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Second-Hand Sale

To buy for another. To take one's place in buying a product.

Side note: Most stores have a policy that forbids them

from letting a second-hand sale for certain items

take place.

Customer 1: I would like to buy a pack of Cigarettes please.
Cashier : Certainly, do you have your I.D. on you?
Customer 1: No I do not.
Cashier : I am sorry, then we cannot sell you the

Cigarettes. We need to see a valid I.D.

Customer 1 leave the store and in comes Customer 2

Customer 2: I'd like to buy that pack of Cigarettes for my

friend who just left.
Cashier : I'm sorry but I need to see your friends and

your I.D. before I can sell them to you. Our

policy forbids us to let a possible Second-hand sale take place.
Customer 2: But I have my I.D.
Cashier : I'm sorry but your friend is the the one who

came in first to buy these and if he doesn't

have his I.D. I cannot sell these to either of

Customer 2: Fuck you man.

by dragon1842986 May 25, 2010

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mount de sales

One of the Top 50 Schools in the United States! There is some drama, but not a whole lot. When there is drama it is over something important! Like boys or shopping or something like that! Most of the girls are preppy and very outgoing! We all have an awesome personaility! We all have a lot of school spirit! Their are only a few big sluts! But, not a lot! There are some weird like gothic ppl that freak me out! I really like Mount de Sales and i think you would to, if you gave it a chance!

Pretty, Preppy...Girls

by Caitlin H May 5, 2005

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