v. - When snow evaporates and sublimates directly into gas, i.e. the opposite of snow itself.
The origin of this word can be traced to a homeroom at Blackford High School, Blackford County, IN in the early nineties. It was observed that snow was evaporating outside without melting and there was no actual word in English for this, and that effectively this was the opposite of the act of snow itself. Thus looking or an effective word a small group of friends determined "snow" spelled backwards was "wons" which was too confusing as "won" is already a well defined word; however, if you inverted the "w" you got "mons" and thus lexicographical history was made.
It snowed last night, but with the temperature above freezing it's monsing out. By the end of the day the snow will be gone.
an alternate spelling of moon, can mean whatever the user desires. can be used to express happiness, surprise, heartbreak, anger, and anything else.
usually followed by an emoji or emoticon
guy 1: Hey, how are you taking the breakup?
guy 2: mon 🥺💔
A mons can find varies uses of a hoover - handy when dealing with a 1cm insect. However she can sometimes defend Brighton airport which isn't actually an airport... she is deluded about the area she lives in - she thinks its nice but in reality its got nothing on donny. Mons also cant live without a shads in her life, fully dependant on his existence. She is known to suck at naughts and crosses.
Karen stop being such a mons
Sorry, im being such a mons today
The female pubic mound, short for ‘mons pubis’. Also known as pooch, snatch hatch and vag hanger.
Danny: Man, look at the mons on her. That’s a mons royale.
Bobby: Sure is. Hope it’s not a mons royale with cheese.
Mon is an edgy teen who is captivated by stormy weather and lolis. He possesses supernatural laziness and will stay in bed all day if possible.