an insult with no real meaning. Can be used for any occasion.
Shut up you fucking carpet bagger
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A Double bagger is a male who lowers himself over his victims head, revealing his testicals, he will swing both nuts to ensure a good smack and land it dead centre on the victims chin.
A Double bagger is usualy implimented if one is bored or if the missus has just dropped off into a deep sleep, a common form of humiliation used by the romans.
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An un-creative nickname given to Wisconsin Democrats who chose to flee the state in order to postpone a vote on a controversial bill. The name "flee-bagger" is a failed attempt at a nickname by Tea Party supporters offended by the 'Tea Bagger' nickname attached to their group.
The nickname fails because there is a relatively well known activity called "tea bagging", but no such activity of "flee bagging". Thus, if a "tea bagger" is one who engages in tea bagging, that means a "flee bagger" must be someone who engages in "flee bagging", an activity that makes no sense and does not exist.
It's like that episode of Seinfeld where George tries to insult someone by using the term "jerk store". The insult failed because there is no such thing as a "jerk store".
Teabagger: "I can't wait to vote out those flee-baggers."
Sane person: "Huh? I understand the 'flee' part, but 'flee-bagger' makes no sense."
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Person 1: How strong do you like your tea?
Person 2: I want a 3 Bagger.
Person 1: WOW!
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A pimp, a man who gets lots of pussy.
I'm bagged myself some carpet last night. Twice. And then once again in the morning.
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n., One who shit bags
'Shit bag' derives from the Latin 'shitius baggus', which in early Roman tragic theatre represented the potential to spoil a positive scene. The shit bag would be hurled at an actor at random.
The colour brown has since been associated with shit-bagging.
"I can't believe what a shit bagger Gitch is."
(verb) "Don't fucking shit bag me again Gootch."
(v., past) "Gotam Dave Bhardwaj shitbagged everyone."
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