A term for when something stupid and dumb happens to you on a game.Im not saying being gay is stupid and dumb
You:This kid just no scoped me that's so Gay (Gamer Term)
When you call out cheats for no reason at all.
Anyone: omg stop pulling a term
Jordan Peterson's ASSERTION is demonstrably false. Their level of competence likely varies. Their level of confidence is independent of their pursuit. Amd doesn't the Dunning Kruger effect demonstrate an inverse correlation between confidence and competence? If their not competence isn't it likely that their confidence would be high? And the issue exploding into nebulous plume of semantics regarding what constitutes 'competence and confidence' for example if you look at Leonardo Decaprio he's one of the most competent actors of all time. Clearly pursuing short term mating. 4 to 5 years max. Jordan peterson believes it takes at least to years to even get to know a person and he also purports to believe that the only true consent is marriage.
Hym "So, men pursuing short term relationships AT THE VERY LEAST are unlikely to have the attributes ascribed by Jordan Peterson. If you look at professions with a high volume of groupies you see both a high level of competence and excessive short term copulation (i.e. Athletes, Musicians, Actors, ect). It just isn't the case. It's literally just a true scottsman project on to people who are fucking all of the women while ingoring entirely the women's agency in short term mating."
A commonly used term to betray one in the game Mafia:
This term is specific to the game Mafia and the role of the traitor.
"Mafia, kill. Exposer, expose. Traitor, trait (in terms of betray)"
Terms that are widely used that may include metaphors, similes, idioms, etc.
“Lit” and “yeet” are an example of a “popular terms”.
“Yo! Greta be yeeting that lit party!”
“My fellow friends, leteth thee use popular terms in thy words”
“Lol, let’s hang with that britteney bitch.”
Lmfao I have no idea what I’m doing I’m just rlly bored. -creator
A method of corporal punishment, often used by autocratic agencies, together with the conditions. Usually comes in the form of non-physical abuse and mental confinement.
The term is no cure. No cure can purge the term.
something my friend told me to look up but nothing came up