the act of being in a place where one does not belong; to trespass.
Alex: Is that guy stealing grass?
Manny: No, hes allowed to be here, hes the maintenance guy.
A pretty radical term for Marijuana
Me and my Friends are all smoking Groovy Grass in the basement tonight
Spanglish.... for muchas gracias...
Much grass for your help.
Grass banana means corn, its long and yellow like a banana, but it's a grass!
Mom:"Did you pick up the corn for dinner?"
Son: "What the fuck is corn?"
Mom:"The yellow things hat have a green husk on them!"
Son:"Ohhhh, you mean Grass Banana!"
Pretty much the way weird people say weed
Tyrone you got the magical grass
Hell ya
so kyoot, bootiful dancer, singer and da actor. looks like margo from despicable me when she has hair on ponytail. she has so da kyoot bsf that looks like vector from despicable me when she has glasses on (aka kayaya). Gagina is a psychopath lacking braincells :)
"gagina grass in da 8 grande"
When you kick someone's ass so hard, they land in a field surrounded by cows. Their only option is to comply with cow customs and join in on the eating of the grass.
"I kicked Todd's ass so hard, he had to eat that grass all weekend"
Todd was beaten up and forced to partake in grass eating.