An innuendo that has something to do with video games. Do note that the console or game does not have to be made by nintendo.
Here is an example of a Nintendo:
(So last night I was pressing it harder and harder but the dude still wouldn't move. I think my controller's broken.)
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A code-name for one of Nintendo's next products.
A possible disaster or success. Nobody knows yet. The idiot who posted before this was only making assumptions. Yes, Nintendo has failed, but it's well known that they control the handheld market and they aren't going to give it up easily.
The Nintendo DS will problably be shown at E3 2004 or sometime around then.
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A lame attempt by nintendo to revive their dying empire. People, nintendo is dead, move on. Bring on the PS3!
Mother: Hey, why dont we get one of these cool new nintendo DS's?
Son: nintendo died years ago, no way will I ever buy one of these. Come on, its not like they have any decent games coming out anyway.
Mother: Hmm, I suppose your right.
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Nintendo's final name for their fifth console code-named 'Revolution', wii pronounced 'we'. The first day the name was revealed all of the gaming internet sites, forums and chatrooms were filled with possive and mostly negative responses. Bad publicity is still good publicity apparently.
"I'm going to go play my Nintendo Wii."
"How much was your Wii?"
"Wii will have too much fun."
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The official and unusual name for the Nintendo Revolution. Pronounced "we", it opens up many marketing posibilitys like:
"Do you Wii? We Wii"
"Wii will own you"
"Wii want it"
"I gotta take a Wii"
"Wii Will Wii Will Rock you"
"Wii Will, Wii in the u.s."
And my personal favorite:
"When we thought of the name, we were smoking Wiid"
Watch my Nintendo Wii cause I gotta take a wee.
"It seems to me that all they did was take the namesake of nintendo wifi and dropped the f and thought... shit.. that'll work.."
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In baseball, to strike a batter out in three pitches.
"A-rod just got nintendoed by Papelbon!"
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Invisible walls in video games that block you from reaching curtain boundaries.
'it's derived from Invisible walls in nintendo games old and new that just piss people off'
"Damn I can't jump up there, there's a Nintendo Wall.
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