Source Code

shitty pooh

Having a fresh batch of moist shit

hey john, come and look at my shitty pooh

by Mic August 6, 2004

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shitty fingers

The result of the process of removing a condom after having anal intercourse with a female, or if you're into it, a male, partner.

Dave got shitty fingers after fucking some chick up the ass in St. Louis.

by The One who calls Himself I Am, Jr. February 6, 2006

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Shitty Kitty

When a woman wipes back to front, setting the stage for a world class yeast infection as well as a lowered social level.

Hey, I went to go down on Amy and was so grossed out by her Shitty Kitty!

by R-Dickulous April 22, 2021

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Shitty G

A Shitty G is two things:

1: A character from a song from Yourfavoritemartian (Ray William Johnson)

2: A Shitty G is a Hill-billy who thinks they are the best of the best.

Random YouTuber 1: My least favorite character of Yourfavoritemartian characters is Shitty G.
Random YouTuber 2: Yeah, me too.

Friend 1: Hey dude, look at that Shitty G!
Friend 2: Yeah. I hate how he thinks he is SOOO cool!

by Littlemandude11 December 22, 2011

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shitty dick

n. A banana smeared with peanut butter. A longtime favorite (watch the cottonmouth!)

"Dude, I'm hungry. You got something to snack on?"
"How 'bout a shitty dick!"
"Right on, bro!"

by shish September 1, 2004

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Shitty Santa

To climb on ones roof and takes a shit in their chimney (make sure to do it when its cold) so when they light a fire, their entire humbled abode smells like your Christmas breakfast. (Aka your shit)

Dude, i totally pulled a Shitty Santa last Christmas eve,when i went over to the house i did it at it smelled like shit!

by Gmoney aka Andy September 29, 2007

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shitty virgin

A girl who has never been fucked in the pussy, but has been fucked in the ass.

Sam "My sister told me Kelly is still a virgin"

Tyler "No dude, she's a shitty virgin a fucked her in the ass last weekend!"

by asswizard February 25, 2011

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