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That's just prime

A transformers substitution of "Just fucking great" used by Optimus Primal in the animated show Beast Wars: Transformers

Person 1- Did you hear that your wife died?
Person 2- That's Just Prime

by MegatromusPrime January 14, 2022

“just friends”

Just friends” means they pretend to be friends, but they hide their feeling or emotions from everyone else.

I told him we were “just friends

by Urbdu November 28, 2018


Jehdjshdndnhdhdhdhdbdhdhdhdhhdx djdjbdbddbdbdbdbdbdhbdbdhdbdbdbdbdhhhhdbfbfhfhdbdbbwudbdbsjsbdbdhdushebddjejdbcsbdsjs djdjejehebdbjdhdbddbdhdbd

Djdjdchdbucjdbdjdu JUST MONIKAjehdbdhehbsbehehs

by H3ntai4life February 1, 2019

Just Monika

Don't walk, run.

Just Monika

by bonl July 6, 2018

Just a second

An indeterminate amount of time between now and never where time is both not and of the essence.

Hana: Can I have your help with shoveling my car out of the snow, James?
James: Just a second and I will be right there I'm a little busy at the moment.
Hana: On second thought I'll just do it myself, thanks anyway.

by mastermrmiester July 4, 2019

Just Vape

A type of vape that has no nicotine, and the people who use this think there hood ass niggahs.

Dumbass:"Dude you want some Just vape?"
Me:"No, grow up and do cocaine like an adult

by lil'Irish March 8, 2016

just smack it

When you want to achieve something and you want to commit to that thing and just get it done you would use the phrase 'just smack it'

-Dan Mace

Yeah, let's just smack it.

by DanMace April 21, 2018