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Hair Doctor

The guy 'doctor that does hair transplants in florida

the guy from the news Dr Dienno

I thought it was BS but it works hair doctor

by Patient happy March 14, 2010

Hair of the dog

an alcoholic drink taken to cure a hangover.

Craig cracked open a beer, claiming it was just a "hair of the dog" to cure his pounding headache from last night's party.

by Arminkshipper July 16, 2024

Hair of the Dog

When you are going down on someone and your beard is so long you get your own beard hair caught in your throat.

Last night I went down on her and hair of the dogged myself. I coughed up a giant hairball in the morning.

by 3viliv3 October 12, 2022

Pp hair

Pp hair aka fat juices cock hair girls love to suck on

Girls love pp hair on boys pps

by R4nd0 mop April 3, 2021

Ass-Hair Mullet

An Ass-Hair Mullet is the hair thats located on a persons lower-back above the waistline or the "small" of the back. An Ass-Hair Mullet is when this patch of fur or body hair is pronounced, thick with growth, or is particularly volumous and impossible to conceal or ignore without grooming. Also known verbally as an Ass-Crack Mullet depedending on which region of USA this slang term is used.

Ex. Thomas has elected to not upgrade to the new office furniture the company has purchased for us since he has an ass-hair mullet so pelt-like, thick, and cushiony he has no need for an ergonomic desk chair with adjustable lumbar support.

by Gaunche January 1, 2022

4 hair

He has only 4 hair. In regional language he is known as "Naalu Mudi".. Smartest Cutest Funniest guy you'll ever meet..

Person 1: Hey 4 hair.

Person 2: Wow you too know "Naalu Mudi"?

by 4hair November 23, 2021

Holy Hair

Holy hair is small area of hair around a woman's vagina and her anus, that cannot be shaved, waxed or extricated. It is never a detour for any man or woman who really and truly love rimming and cunilingus.

Holy hair the only hair that men and women really like licking and sucking on and it almost never becomes detached from the female's orifices.

by Spanky1952 March 23, 2014