angry parents that refuse to help you to save your sinking Titanic because you report ça laisse à désirer and they want you to do better
I had 2 angry birds at home when I was younger.
When a male is naked on all fours with an elastic band around his testicles. A female will then pull the elastic band and let go!!!
We were playing angry bird
Verb: The bird/Flipping the bird is when you extend your middle finger & thumb outwards to show anger, frustration &/or disconnect towards someone or something.
Person 1: Fuck you man!
Person 2: No!! Fuck you "dude"!!!
Person 1: You know what‽
Person 2: What?
Person 1: This (Flipping the bird).
Super cool lad that gets so many bitches, if you see him on the street give him a cheeky tug
Just saw pointing bird amazing head
The Afghani Angry Birds is when you grab new-born muslim babies, strapped with explosives, and launch them via catapult at enemy infrastructure, ultimately creating a fun yet dangerous game of angry birds
"I got a new high-score at Afghani Angry Birds! I took down two skyscrapers!"
Crouching above and shitting onto someone below you.
Dude, I just Bird Perched some poor man