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Facebook Genius

An individual who meticulously inspects Facebook (and/or other social media platforms) to collect vulnerable information about a person/people. The information is then collated and shared among a group of friends in order to find ways in which to subtly manipulate the objective.

What is going on? I feel like the people around me are zeroing in on specific details about me and dropping subs.

Oh, you’ve gotta find the Facebook Genius in the group and figure out what they’re trying to get at.

by D.M. Willie Quinn January 30, 2019

facebook baseball

The act of posting pictures, statuses and comments to facebook in order to attain further likes and comments, thus boosting one's ego and online social media exposure.

Person 1: Check out how many likes my profile picture's got
Person 2: 34, wow, good effort.
Person 1: Yea man, winning at facebook baseball!

Person 1: Just the 20 likes for my last status
Person 2: Nice man, good facebook baseball

by TablesAndChairs October 29, 2012

Facebook Troll

A Person who deserves to be stabbed in the neck IRL for making other people's lives miserable

Facebook Troll

FacebookTroll: Lmao yall can suck my 8 inch cock. Yall scared.

Real Man: I bet you won't say that too my face in IRL pussy ass nerd

FacebookTroll: your right man I'm sorry. I should go KMS. I have serious issues and insecurities that I get off to trolling and ruining peoples days

by LilJay2x September 17, 2023

Facebook Flurry

A notification phenomena that occurs on FB that begins as suddenly as it ends.

One minute I was in the throes of a Facebook flurry with nearly half the people I was connected to "like," thread reply & private message wise & the next minute all manner of FB activity ceased & desisted.

by upsydaisyum August 23, 2014

Facebook grandma

An old lady that still uses Facebook or other boomer platforms.

Person1: Bro my grandma is always showing me random things on Facebook. She is a Facebook grandma.

Person2: Ratio.

by Naplii December 2, 2023

facebook barbie

When someone post facebook pictures on their dating profile that are 10 years and 30 lbs ago.

I met a women off tinder the other night, she turned out to be a total facebook barbie

by theredcat360 July 7, 2021

Facebook Glancing

A less creepy way of telling someone that you've been Facebook stalking them for hours if not days.

Boy: Hey, how's your job at Panera Bread going?

Girl: How did you know I work there...?

Boy: Oh, I just was just Facebook glancing you for a second last night and that's what I noticed.

by Jacked313 December 19, 2012