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bumping cheeks

A reference to sexual activity with your man or woman.

What do you mean you don't remember bumping cheeks last night?

by Meldavo May 27, 2017

Dingle cheek

Someone who is a stupid head, or who is just not with it.

My friend gage is such a dingle cheek.

by Crop duster 02 February 26, 2017

Singleton Cheeks

Sunken in cheeks as a result of methamphetamine use. The first visible sign that a person uses methamphetamine due to loss of appetite and consequent loss of muscle tissue and fat in the face. The longer the use, the more pronounced the vertical indentation to the cheek. Eyes that appear to be "bugged" out, visible sores from picking at the skin, and loss of teeth develop after the appearance of Singleton cheeks.

It's obvious that guy is a meth addict, look at his Singleton cheeks.

by Street Sweeper December 1, 2012

Squirrel Cheeking

The act of grabbing you're scrotum mid-coitus and shoving it into your partners mouth or gaping anus. Typically followed by a commanding statement for your partner to "Save em up for Winter!"

It should be noted that this dominating act should only be performed in situations wherein the dominating party has enough Sack Slack to properly perform the maneuver and the receiving party has either a big enough mouth or a properly stretched anus to receive the package in its entirety.

Me and Angie wanted to try something different last night so I tried Squirrel Cheeking her ass and told that bitch to save em up for winter.

by Dave Darkly Asst Mgr JJSS March 11, 2010

throwing cheeks

Showing or twerking of the female cheeks

That badie was throwing cheeks on me in the party last night.

by Black_din0mite February 4, 2018

cheeks on deck

a big booty

have u seen that girl Kim's ass? she got some mad cheeks on deck!

by flutterby April 30, 2009

cheek squad

a group of men squatting naked in a circle formation

oh boy! i cant wait to go to cheek squad later!

by Cheek_Squad_Gang March 29, 2019