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When you dress really nice but are retarded

β€œThat kids grades are so bad , but look at the outfit, he’s drip-tarded”

by Micpad January 10, 2019

Tard Card

This is when an actor or actress decides to play a mentally retarded person to gain acting accolades like an Oscar, Emmy or Golden Globe Award.

Did you see DiCaprio in, "Whats Eating Gilbert Grape"?
That dude nearly got an Oscar for playing the Tard Card.

by Roomba August 17, 2006

41πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Tard Density

Or TD for short is a name to describe the amount of tards in a given area.

The TD scale ranges from from 0 to 100 where 0 is an empty building and 100 is so massive that only Chuck Norris could survive.

TD can be used either as an percentage or as arbitrary scale.

"God I traveled with the Metro today and the TD was massive like 80"

"I had a lovely vacation, the Tard Density was only around 5"

by uberEpicDonkey March 24, 2010

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Grecian Tard

The actual meaning is a dress from a greek origin however in slang terms it is an offence.

Grecian - to look like a llama or alpaca species
Tard- idiot

Girl 1: hey that guy looks like a llama dont you think?
Girl 2: yeah he kinda does, i have heard he is such an idiot
Girl 1: well then i guess he is a grecian tard

by WillCollins April 7, 2010

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The attempt to pull off something as edgy, experimental and cool but fails.

"Wow. The band was totally avant-tard."

by Taryn R April 7, 2008

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

E Tard

Someone who is stupid from overuse of extacy
Or someone who overuses it.

"Beth is totally an E Tard ... "
"You're turning into an E Tard"

by T.ShNooKs August 21, 2006

166πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


Over the top fans of the Vampire series "Twilight". The kind of person who stands in line all day to get in to the midnight showing of the latest Twilight movie. Most likely they have read all the books and have picked a side... "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob." These people sometimes call themselves


Dude 1:Hey, so we going out clubbing tonight?
Dude 2: Ah no bro, I'm already on my way to see Twilight Eclipse at the midnight showing!
Dude 1: Wow, I never pegged you for such a Twi-tard!

by darkwolf2u July 2, 2010

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž