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a sad individuals attempt at bein "cool" also see ned chav

townies are the scum of teh universe who tends to be incredibly uneducated an tends to start fights or shout abuse at anyone who is diffrent to them. they are also cought un-awares by quick witted comebacks.

townie: eh you mosh scum min cov
mosh: oh its you with the disfigured face
townie: my face isnt disfigured innit
mosh proceeds to head butt the townie
mosh: now it is

after this the townie will proceed to get all his "crew" involved because he cant fight his own battles that or get his brother who is in the "army" who probably doesent exist at all.

by LULZ24 October 16, 2007

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failure, always tlking bout soem shitty car which is "kitted up" starts fights with people who are younger than them or if they are outnumbered. i am proud to say i can tackle 5 on my own, two of us could take on 10. They were cheap clothes and have totally fucked up the english dictionary, the females are no more uglier than a vomited meal and the townie males usually act hard on their own but fail when attacked by someone younger than them.
They hang around in groups and try to attack bigger groups (examples include lions chasing after a herd of zebras or gazelles in africa) they smoke and drink cheap cider and smell liek it.
have the intelligence of a virus and they spread like one, should be experimented on and sent to the moon.
tends to listen to phat tunes which are not music.

townie- ya starting you fucking cunt? person - no, why do you ask?
townie-cuz you just gave my mate a dirty look
person - where is your mate
townie (after a few minutes of realising he isnt with one) o you wait ere ill get im ya cunt
and the person walks away

by ben November 8, 2004

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townies are:
tramps 'set me 10p, blud' brainless sheep freaks who follow the crowd, mug little kids, listen to shit, mindless music, think theyre better than everyone who is not like them, falsely beieve that their future does not involve working in mcdonalds, wear cheap, fake sports brands, fake gold rings, speak in a stupid incomprehensable 'gangsta' tounge, the girls are sluts who act hard and have a kid by the time theyre 13 but it dies because they smoke sooo much, the boys start pointless fights and send 1000 other townies to attack one person-then think theyre hard, they always pick on little kids, they are ignorant to modern life e.g. politics, music, world issues, they think anyone who is not a townie is a grungie or a goth and they wank over 50 cent every night thinking to themselves that they have a life.

They don't.

townie- "set me 1p, blud"
me- "ok"
throw it in townies eye, then get a flamethrower out and burn him to hell where he'll meat his idol, the prat Tupac.
Before he dies he will say-
"fucking grungie blud"

by kill_the_townies_or_they'll_want_40p_'blud' January 20, 2004

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(the following definition refers to an Owen Sound townie).

an individual whose vestment normally consists of a "Snap-on Tools" jacket, ski-doo racing mesh-back hat, too-tight Levis jeans (circa 1980) and antiquated nike and/or brooks sneekers. can be commonly spotted in a 1982-1990 ford truck or possibly an early 1990s 2-door chevy cavalier (red or blue is quite popular) heading to the Beer Store (or "Orange Church) for a case of Labatt Crystal.

after purchasing their ski-doo jackets, billy and his friends inherently became townies for life.

by ajd August 31, 2004

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clones who should all be killed and then burned (i'm sure all that nylon will go up a treat) :D kill them all

daran patterson must die

by ollyj - fuck y'all April 15, 2004

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A total retard, who I'm surprised to find they actually got onto this site and tried to post their piss-poor excuses for being an idiot. Can usually be found ANYWHERE, because they are the human equivilant of locusts. The only solution is to kill them. They do not cause any harm, unless they have a knife, and then they'll probably only use in on kids and OAPS.

normal person-I'm gonna just walk away.
townie scum- wot you sayin bludda?
normal person-(count to ten..)
townie scum-ere! goff boy! i did your mum last night!
normal person-I'm not a goth, I hate goths almost as much as I hate you.
townie scum-you IZZ a goff, cause you don't think you is BLACK! RINSIN'!
normal person-why should i be ashamed of being white?
townie scum-you iz right man, we IZ the master race!
normal person-shut up, you nazi fuck.
(blows townies head off)

by your mum March 25, 2004

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habitat-cities, towns or villages. 'Note, when a townie lives in a village they spend most of their time in the nearest town, in parks and pubs.

A townie will wait with multiple other townie friends, sitting on a wall, waiting to 'hammer' non-townies who are enemies of the townies. Thus resulting in a townie being beaten in the fight by the stonger and more intelligent non-townie

by John Smith May 14, 2003

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