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sick fuck

one who belives in there mind they are a nice normal person while simultaneously torturing someone.

- we don't curse in this house nor do we love each other in this house my dear!
- I'm sorry lady but you are a sick fuck!

by epicmann July 13, 2011

114πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

sick burn

to insult someone on an elevated level; to put someone down to the lowest; usual victims of a "sick burn" will be the guy in your school who tucks his plaid shirt into his pants and clips a cell phone on his belt

a good way to know if you've been sick burned is that whoever has burned you will immidiatly shape his hands like two guns and immitate blowing the smoke off them on at a time and will say in a baratone voice : "sick burn", possibly with a clever smirk on his face.. you must have a mustache and a red leather jacket to sick burn someone

Bobby: "Hey Jimmy, wanna go for a ride"

Jimmy: "Yeah,.... on your MOOOMMMM.."
Jimmy: "Oh.... sick burn"

by Matt Lejeune September 28, 2006

331πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž

sick as frick

Sick as Frick pertains to people, objects and general day to day things that are hella awesome. If you are sick as Frick it means u are the coolest person ever (according to the person who called u it) and you have godlike power over anyone and anything you wish

Dude 1: Damn that guy is sick as Frick
Dude 2: I know I feel like I need to bow or something

by Sickasfrick August 31, 2015

31πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Attitude Sickness

When a person becomes so full of themself and ends up insulting everyone around them to try and increase their already oversized ego.

Did you hear the way Brenda told Pete to get a life last night? She's got a serious case of attitude sickness.

by shestolemyname December 21, 2009

21πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Minecraft Sickness

An effect caused by playing a game of Minecraft for too long.

1. Fear of light. Fear of darkness. Fear of noises that resemble bow-shooting. Fear of SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS noise. Urge to punch trees and animals.
When not playing, you're planning what you'd build next, what area of your MC world you'd go to explore, so on.
Plus, you dream (daydream, too) in blocks.

2. When you finally get sick of minecrafterbating and decide to get outside and roar! You're so proud of yourself you break the habit, you're telling all your friends you quit.
But no need for them to worry, this won't last long, soon you'll be back mining >:-

1. A: man, we went to the field trip today. and there was that herd of sheep - grrrrrrrrrrrrrr, wat a waste of cloth! i soooooooo wanted to punch them!
A: yeah
B: join the club, you have minecraft sickness)))


A: alas, my friends, Ted won't join us at server tonight. he said he has a minecraft sickness ;)
B: oh, like, AGAIN? XD

by DodoSnail July 4, 2011

52πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Sick full

When you eat so much that you can barely walk or do anything, and you feel like you could throw up.

I can’t go out tonight dude, I feel sick full.

Want to get some desert ?

No man, I’m sick full...

by Larata January 28, 2020

Sick as fuck

"sick as fuck" awesome at doing fucking everything


by Xcypherrx September 11, 2017