Something that is in the wrong place and prob the wrong time.
Why would you look this up, like, you went on urban, went to the search bar, and typed, "cup of pants" Maybe you were look for a bag of pants, idk man.
Guy dressed in a grim reaper costume: Hey guys i'm here!
Person at the funeral: You are as out of place as a cup of pants my guy.
That mean girl in high school who discovered crystals. She thinks she is an “empath” because she felt bad for another human being. One time. Probably has an arrow/dream catcher/elephant tattoo. Aspires to go to Thailand one day.
Brody’s girlfriend is a total elephant pants, she finds meaning to life by sharing inspirational quotes on instagram.
More severe than a Shart but not full out, colon emptying, pants blowing bowel evacuation. Symptoms include a squishy feeling between your butt cheeks, distinctive bowel aroma, and possibly stickiness between one's drawers and ass cheeks, depending on the consistency of the "pudding" let loose from one's colon.
ME: "What's that smell? Did you Shart?"
You: "Shart? No, but that burrito I had at the Cubby's 100 miles back might have given me Puddin' Pants. We'll have to pull over so I can check."
An acknowledgement of whoever or whatever shat in her pants.
INXS: "Shatner Pants, Shatner Pants! Every Single One Of Us Shatner Pants!"
A seemingly keen individual whom is being snippy via text message and is wearing pants
Yeah, you were being a snippy pants 👖