People who can't let go of Derek Shepherd from Grey's Anatomy. People who mourn him more than the actual widow of Derek Shepherd. These people can't let Meredith Grey move onto another man.
Derek's widows are crying again
The girl that makes you leave your wife.
Danm that girl over there is widows wine to every man
A girl that you leave your current woman for.
Danm that girl is widows wine to every man
Someone’s who’s fiancé is not breathing anymore.
Jhon: How do you call someone whose fiancé dies?
Peter: widow to be?
A woman who obsesses over the image of a man. Although she can live a normal life and move on she feels a void. If she’s able to remeet the man if she’s sensible she’ll see he was nothing she imagine. If unsensible will go back to him despite his red flags.
People who suffer from alpha widow syndrome are able to live normal lives and grow and find someone better but the image they gave a person distorts reality so they’re not able to see things for how they are.
The spiritual may also call this a soul tie.
She’s suffering from alpha widow syndrome so she won’t come out of her head.
Racist term for Asian, Black, White, Mexican, Spanish and Native Americans and every fucking race nationality and the 100 genders that currently exist
black widows that form webs low enough that only men 6ft or taller can walk into.
The Chad Widow's web caught Vlad by surprise as he was hiking through the forest.