When one goes hard as fuck in the stock market with zero regards to his loss in Hope's of riches.
Peter Bennett style im going peter bennet style on this stock. I'm either gonna be Donald J Trunp rich or fucking tiny tim Christmas story rich.
The penis wielding party must shave all pubic hair by the end of October 31. Then during and for the entirety of NNN they must grow out their pubic hair anew. At some point in the following December they must have intercourse during a full moon. And when said penis wielding party climaxes they have to yell out "Ayo, I'm Harry Styles innit!"
"I shaved my balls n stuff a while ago, now them thangs is hairy girllllll."
"Oh would you look at the time, it is a full moon."
*at the same time*
Now that is what I call a harry style.
Carrot style is when 2 or Moreno red-heads have sex, while also using, but not needing to, a carrot as a dildo. This type of sex is common with gingers, but using ginger will only sting.
E.g. “ Bro, did you watch that PornHub link to a my sister and me’s carrot style?? It’a some top shit!”
weird sex position no one likes
my friend likes reverse doggy style since he is weird
Fucking you while your hands and feet are tied together and your mouth has duck tape on it
Yo I railed this girl last night and we were getting so freaky we had to do scorpion style
when you wear your shoes untied
look at that wany style Jordan
having a good time with your friends
those senders are sending while they style on taft